Is The Dark Knight cursed? Two deaths, Christian Bale arrested, Edison Chen's sex scandal

While The Dark Knight has been topping the box office and breaking records financially, the project seems to be haunted by an unusual string of tragedies and bad news.

Last year, a special effects technician was killed on September 25 in a car crash during the London shoot.

This tragedy was followed by the death of actor Heath Ledger on January 22 of this year.

Shortly thereafter, Hong Kong actor Edison Chen, who hails from Richmond, B.C. and  who has  a small role in the film,  was embroiled in one of Asia's biggest internet sex scandals, when sexual photos of him and numerous other women (including pop stars and actresses) were leaked on to the Net.

Today, news reports state that lead actor Christian Bale was released on police bail after allegedly assaulting his mother and sister.

Although details have not been released about the cause of  the dispute,  in an interview with the Straight for The Dark Knight,  Bale had  shown some signs of deep-set regret and unhappiness when he talked  about having started in the acting business at such a young age.

He stated "I recognize that I probably wouldn’t be here today if I hadn’t started with Empire of the Sun, but it was a less than ideal situation. I do know I wouldn’t recommend anyone starting at a young age and doing this professionally. I would definitely try to convince anyone in my family and anyone near to me to not do something like this at such a young age.”
