Comments by Libby Davies help promote peace

Libby Davies’s statement that the occupation of Palestinian territory began in 1948, the year Israel declared independence, is true and not merely her own belief [“New Democrat MP Libby Davies criticized for comments about Israel”, Web-only]. Telling her to shut up would be similar to telling any Canadian to deny the existence of First Nations here before European settlement began.

Silencing the truth about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict harms the possibility—be it slim as it looks—of ever achieving a peaceful solution. Being Israeli and Jewish, I believe that without peace, the existence of the state of Israel is under dire threat indeed.

So for Ms. Davies to utter publicly the truth about what happened in 1948 might actually place her among those who work for the benefit of Israelis as much as for anyone else. Only by acknowledging the pain and suffering that the creation of the state of Israel in 1948 has inflicted on the Palestinian people can a reconciliation process start.

Do I have to add here that Jewish people went through enormous suffering themselves only a few years earlier? Do we always have to measure suffering for suffering?

The real question to be discussed here is not whether Israel conquered Palestinian territories twice—in 1948 and 1967—or not. The question is what should be done now to put pressure on Israel to treat Palestinians as a people with collective rights, respect them, and genuinely act upon its declared policy of a two-state solution.

> Dr. Hannah Safran / visiting scholar, Centre for Women’s and Gender Studies, UBC



John Cerny

Jun 29, 2010 at 6:38pm

I believe Jews start occupy the Palestine much more years earlier than 1948, even earlier than Arabs start to move in. Did you know that Israelis are also Palestinians? Many Arabs (20%) are part of Israel and have Israeli pasport. Problem is with Arabs who fight and kill others for separatism.
Anyway: When start Europeans occupy territories of Canada?

Pat Bischoff,

Jun 30, 2010 at 11:30am

Just for the record and for those who are unaware, there is no such thing as a Palestinian! It is a made-up word. Israel was called Palestine for two thousand years! Before the Israelis won the land in the '67 war, Gaza was owned by Egypt, the West Bank was owned by Jordan AND THERE WERE NO PALESTINIANS! Palestinians consist of Jordanians AND Egyptians! As soon as the Jews took control and started growing oranges as big as basketballs the so called Palestinians started weeping for their deep bond with their lost land and nation! They came in droves for financial benefits cause they were not making ends meet at home. Honestly folks, let us not use the word Palestinian any more to describe these delightful folks who dance for joy at our deaths!
I would like to remind Dr. Safran that Israel has given these so-called people every opportunity to live in peace. Each and every time that happens, Israel is thanked by more rockets. The so called two state solution is no solution at all.

Maria Sí¼ss

Jun 30, 2010 at 12:00pm

I totally agree with Mr. Cerny and let's start with counting the Vikings in New Foundland!

Grigori Khaskin

Jun 30, 2010 at 12:16pm

Actually name "Palestinian" used to be derogatory and till 1970th used by Arabs only to describe Jews who, btw, continuously lived in the area since almost 4 thousand years. Only since KGB under Andropov invented PLO and "usurp" term "Palestinian" to describe Arabs in the area [most of them before always categorized themselves as Egyptians, or Syrians, etc., and who were migrant workers who followed return to Israel of many Jews in 19 century - you know these Jews were creating work places]. So, it has never been a country under the name "Palestine" with fictional "Palestinian" citizenry, king or prez, currency, capital, traditions, etc.