George Abbott promises to implement legislature committee recommendation on arts funding

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      A candidate to become B.C.’s next premier has pledged to restore arts funding to the 2008-09 level.

      In an interview at the Georgia Straight office today, B.C. Liberal leadership candidate George Abbott was asked if he would implement a legislature committee recommendation to bring arts funding back to the 2008-09 level.

      "Yes,” Abbott responded. “I think arts and culture are a hugely important part of the fabric of our society.”

      The bipartisan committee on finance and government services has made this recommendation for two consecutive years.

      In 2008-09, the B.C. Liberal government spent $47.7 million on arts and culture. This came through its funding from the budgetary allocation for arts and culture, the B.C. Arts and Culture Endowment, and B.C. gaming funds.

      In the 2010-11 fiscal plan, Finance Minister Colin Hansen made it appear as though the government restored funding to the 2008-09 level. But he fudged the numbers by including a $12.2-million operating grant for the Royal B.C. Museum, which was never considered part of arts funding in the past.

      Then in March, the minister responsible for gambling, Rich Coleman, announced that adult arts groups would no longer qualify for gaming revenue.

      That prompted the executive director of the Alliance for Arts and Culture, Amir Ali Alibhai, to predict that hundreds of cultural groups would lose their funding.

      Abbott, a former college instructor and the MLA for Shuswap, said that he would want to take a “careful look” before making any commitment to forward gaming funds to professional arts organizations.

      “I do think the adult arts if we can call it that—the symphony and the opera and all of that—are very important elements in the cultural life of our communities as well,” he acknowledged. “I would want to look at that because again, I don’t want to promise something we can’t deliver. But it is something that I would certainly want to review with caucus particularly, and perhaps even review more broadly with other members of the legislature.”

      George Abbott says he wants to speak with members of his caucus about the issue of gaming grants for professional arts organizations.

      Abbott was first elected to the legislature in 1996 and has served in several high-profile cabinet positions, including health and education.

      He pointed out that when he announced his run for leadership, he promised a “health and wellness” tax credit. He explained that it would be applicable not only to sports, but also to arts and culture.

      “If your son or daughter wanted to be involved in dance or theatre or any of the visual arts, the tax credit would apply to that just as it would to a child going into soccer or hockey or other areas,” he said. “So yes on both counts. We not only want to restore [arts funding] as suggested, but also try to build more opportunities for parents to support their involvement in [this] activity.”

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      glen p robbins

      Dec 2, 2010 at 6:30pm

      Good work George.


      Dec 2, 2010 at 7:08pm

      It's great to see a Liberal leadership candidate acknowledge the need for more arts funding. Hopefully more follow Abbtt's example.


      Dec 2, 2010 at 7:31pm

      omg - an ethical, inteligent liberal. i was beginning to despair. now if we can get him to commit to a sensble position on some of the other key issues - gaming - arm length/single window access - sensible ministry re-org with empowered officials, etc.....who knows what could happen. with the "snatching defeat from the jaws of victory" antics of the self imploding ndp, i might actually have to vote for this band of reprobates again if this guy wins the leadership!


      Dec 2, 2010 at 10:08pm

      Sounds good but where are the funds going to come from? More cuts to health and education? I wonder.


      Dec 2, 2010 at 10:09pm

      That's commendable but what about the larger picture George? How about the corruption that is rampant top to bottom? How about an investigation on the sale of BC Rail, BC Hydro, BC Ferries fiasco, funding to education, Medical Service Plan cuts, the NRO... there's not enough room on this post to list everything. Recall them all.

      Katey Wright

      Dec 3, 2010 at 10:18am

      Wow, I'm kind of gobsmacked. The notion of a "Health and Wellness Tax Credit" that INCLUDES culture -- dance classes, theatre classes - is so progressive that I can't believe I read it in quotation marks in a piece about a BC Liberal. I'm impressed.


      Dec 3, 2010 at 10:59am

      For years the profit from hydro was put into general revenu and now they anounce we will be getting a 10% rate hike for the next 3 years because it needs an upgrade. What happened to all the mineys that was taken in
      over the years?


      Dec 3, 2010 at 3:29pm

      Hopeful, on the whole. But I'm sorry..." Adult Arts"???
      So those of us not in the opera or the symphony can go play with our crayons....?


      Dec 3, 2010 at 4:16pm

      What happened to all the money that went into general revenue, you ask? The occasionally retractable roof, the Olympics, oil and gas industry subsidies, fancy pensions for MLAs, BC Rail legal bills,... for starters.

      Hey Charlie Brown!

      Dec 3, 2010 at 4:36pm

      The liberal party is going to steal NDP ideas and feed them to you like Lucy holding the football. It's not like they haven't done it for the last three elections running. If you are that stupid, maybe you deserve each other.