Vancity’s Noise Night program readies to assault your aural cavities

Zev Asher returns to Vancouver after more than a decade to premiere his new documentary on Chinese noise band Torturing Nurse at the Vancity Theatre on Monday (March 7). Asher fronted his own experimental outfits Nimrod and Roughage during the ’90s, before establishing himself as a filmmaker with What About Me: The Rise of the Nihilist Spasm Band, and Casuistry: The Art of Killing a Cat.

He assembled Subcultural Revolution: Shanghai while living in China in 2007. “I discovered there was a small noise scene,” Asher told the Straight from his home in Montreal. “Torturing Nurse was sort of at the forefront. So I followed them around as they went about their daily routines, as well as their music. It’s kind of a portrait of the city and modern China through this band’s eyes.”

Along with Asher’s film, Tunnel Canary 1978-2008 rounds out Vancity’s Noise Night program, with Ejaculation Death Rattle and the Minimalist Jug Band providing live entertainment. Asher also performs, providing a nice grace note to the bill, considering his early role in the city’s experimental music community. Asked what we should expect, Asher answered, “A short sharp shock. A blast of visuals and sonic whatnot!”
