Patti Bacchus: We need to keep Vancouver’s neighbourhood schools strong

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      Vibrant, neighbourhood schools are the foundation of healthy, sustainable, and affordable communities. And those schools need to provide a continuum of supports for families: childcare, after-school programs, recreational activities, and even programming for adults.

      My vision for this city is to keep neighbourhood schools open and thriving through innovative partnerships like the one the Vancouver school board recently made with the renowned Green Thumb Theatre Company for the Carleton school site. That means that when enrolment dips in a school, we find ways to vitalize it with beneficial and compatible partnerships instead of closing its doors and boarding up its windows.

      The schools in my vision have up-to-date resources and staffing levels that ensure that each child’s needs are met—regardless of the child’s personal circumstances. Schools would continue to be safe and welcoming, and models of collaboration, respect, and inclusion.

      The schools would be safe and up to date, energy efficient, and designed to stimulate learning and creativity.

      During the three exciting years I’ve served as chairperson and trustee of the Vancouver school board I’ve advocated strongly for this vision and I will continue to do so. I said “no” to closing down schools and successfully moved the seismic upgrade program forward and supported plans for several heritage restorations of our historic schools. In other cases we’re moving ahead with plans for beautiful new schools—at Kitchener, Sexsmith, and Douglas, for example. With dozens more seismically at-risk schools in Vancouver, it will take my continued commitment that began when I was a parent advocate working with Families for School Seismic Safety.

      With continued provincial funding pressures it is critical that Vancouver have school trustees who will stand up for our public schools and advocate strongly for the funding required to keep our schools strong. We need to keep our school libraries open and have counsellors available for students who need them, when they need them. We need to provide better support for our students with special needs and our English as a second language students. We need to work with our aboriginal communities to improve education outcomes for our aboriginal students and get our aboriginal-focused school up and running to provide better opportunities for this growing population. We need to work together to address the devastating effects of poverty on the youngest residents of this city.

      We also need to ensure that students right across the city have access to programs that enhance their learning opportunities—like of the new Mandarin Bilingual Program we opened this September at Norquay elementary or the Early Years International Baccalaureate Program at Southlands school.

      It’s an incredibly exciting time to be involved in public education as we strive to increase student engagement and find the most effective ways to utilize technology in schools.

      I’m asking for your support on November 19 to reelect me to the Vancouver school board so I continue to work to keep our neighbourhood schools strong and provide the very best opportunities for Vancouver’s children and their families.

      Patti Bacchus is seeking reelection as a Vision Vancouver school trustee.



      Taxpayers R Us

      Oct 22, 2011 at 1:31am

      Bacchus, the only people you've been providing "the very best opportunities" to are greedy unions, spoiled teachers, and stubborn-as-mules administrators.

      Any parent with a kid in this failure of a public school system in this city damn well knows that what you've been doing with Vision most definitely does not benefit them or their children. No amount of political drivel like you've written above will change that. Your track record speaks for itself.

      S Jones

      Nov 3, 2011 at 11:36am

      Patti Bacchus is a woman that has forgotten to do the job for which she was elected! Her vision for the city? Is she mayor? She is so interested in doing the job of others she has neglected the affairs of the School Board. She is so busy trying to act like a mayor with visions for the city or acting like an MLA attempting to change provincial policies that she can't manage the budget of the School Board. If she wants to be mayor or MLA go and run for mayor or MLA don't run for the School Board. The fact of the matter is that the School Board is spending way to much money on advocacy supporting the policies of the teachers union and not making prudent decisions successfuly operate the School Board for the benefit of children in Vancouver. As an example, this board decided not to close a school that is operating at 32% capacity and is within 8 blocks of two other schools. Not everyone in the city can live within three blocks of a school, we just can't afford it! A School Board that is working for all the children of Vancouver needs to have the ability to make tough decisions! It would be a shame if this Board is re-elected.


      Nov 16, 2011 at 2:14pm

      Patti Bacchus come on and Rock us!

      I know who I'm voting for school board in this election and she is one BAD* mother!

      *NB: pejorative use