On 420, Liberals look to squeeze out Marijuana Party

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      It's 420, and here's how the Young Liberals of Canada are celebrating. They're launching a campaign highlighting NDP leader Thomas Mulcair's anti-decriminalization stance on marijuana.

      We look forward to seeing Bob Rae at the art gallery eating a pot brownie.

      You can follow Stephen Hui on Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest.




      Apr 20, 2012 at 2:44pm

      I have bone spurs in my neck, my hips, and knee, I vomit every day, my eyes are always red and burning out of my skull also light sensitivity, get massive migraine headaches, my big toe sometimes feels like it has been hit with a hammer, also get drilling pain in back of ankle, depression, I had a doctor who supported medical marijauna then I moved to surrey, I went to numerous doctors to get pot rx but all doctors refused, only gave me prescription narcs and psychiatric drugs. I recently changed doctors to get adequate treatment. a few years ago, my kids were taken from me due to a house fire/marijauna use. family members tried to take custody of my kids, and they also called me lazy among other things that I will not type on here. I am very polite, obey the laws, I have learning intellectual disabilities and have ...difficulties getting community resources. my wife has typed this for me cuz I cant spell words more than 4 letters. it is insulting to all canadians to not legalize pot, it is sad that people are getting shot, killed and robbed over pot and other hard drugs. we are all just people on this earth, trying to get along. does any of this make sense to anyone? I think everyone should write their mla to pressure government to legalize all drugs. my wife disagrees about hard drugs like heroin and cocaine but people will always do these drugs no matter what. I smoke pot for my health issues and it has always helped, I don't like opiates, percs, narcs. 24 hrs opiates make me too flocking high. anyone who want to me at hatebilly69@hotmail.ca.


      Apr 20, 2012 at 7:41pm

      The Liberals had over a decade in power and only introduced decriminalization legislation when they were about to be defeated. I have no faith in their promise to decriminalize pot.


      Apr 21, 2012 at 8:42am

      Remember when homosexuality was stricken from criminal law, and all the populace stayed in the sexual orientation they were born with? The whole populace won't turn into potheads just because you aren't jailing harmless people. The only proven harm from marijuana is...the police.