Straight Stars - May 10 to 16, 2007

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jan 20 - feb 18

mar 21 - apr 19

june 22 - july 22

dec 22 - jan 19

may 21 - june 21

july 23 - aug 22

sept 23 - oct 23

feb 19 - mar 20

nov 22 - dec 21

oct 24 - nov 21

apr 20 - may 20

aug 23 - sept 22

Mother's Day falls on May 13 this year. Let's take a look at Mom via the stars.

If your mother is an Aries, you can reflect on how many times you smelled smoke coming out of the kitchen as she nearly burned the place down. I guess we'd best not talk about her losing her temper. But she loves you unequivocally and teaches you honesty.

Got to love our Taurus mom, with the cupboards and fridge packed full of every delightful thing. Once she gives in to your pestering, it's best not to try to change her mind again. She will teach you about wholesome living.

Gemini Mom is delightful, creative, and informative, and will ensure that you get a good education. She will teach you to think for yourself.

Cancer Mom has to top them all. Cancer and the moon rule motherhood. Her motto is, first we eat and then we talk. The home, family, and everything about it will be handled by this super-efficient mom. Now the queen mom, Leo, of course. She will ensure that you receive the best of everything, and all her heart and all of her pride is involved with her cubs. The mom lion does the hunting; she takes care of business.

Virgo Mom will teach you about organic health and healing, organized living, and all things wholesome. Plus, she knows where everything is.

Libra Mom gives her all and never stops thinking of ways to help her children. Mom can be the iron fist in the velvet glove. She gets everything done, and so will you. Scorpio Mom is involved in all aspects of your life. You may even say, Mom, I need to do this myself. These moms are slightly overprotective, and have a fierce loyalty to those they love.

Sagittarius Mom will keep you involved in sports, competitions, and healthy activities. She will constantly assist and nudge you in the right direction.

Capricorn Mom is totally devoted to all matters related to her offspring. She will pass on her work ethic, along with a solid life plan.

Aquarius Mom is usually super-qualified to do just about anything. She has strong principles and firm ways of teaching her offspring.

Pisces Mom is another one who gives selflessly. She is adept at feeling and reading the energy of the people in her home, and rather than criticize she will often commiserate and offer wise ways of wiping the tears away. Where would we be without our moms? Love you, Mom, wherever you are.

March 21–April 19

Special grace descends in the form of opportunities to expand your world. The moon passes through Aries from May 12 to 14, bringing a high time with friends and family. Mars visits Aries from May 15 to June 24, and will certainly bring about a highly charged atmosphere.

April 20–May 21

The moon and Venus harmonize on May 15, making it a very pleasant day. It's a good day to visit with people, have a party, or attend a social function. The Taurus new moon on May 16 heralds a fresh start and a renewed sense of purpose and direction.

May 22–June 20

Mercury swings through Gemini, soon to be followed by the moon and the sun. It's your time of year, and you should be busier than usual. Life is destined to move a lot faster as all kinds of exciting scenarios begin to jell.

June 21–July 23

Venus continues to shower her blessings as she visits your sign. This puts you in the mood to make everything around you beautiful. I have my hands full with one houseplant; my Cancer buddy has 170 plants in her house. Life's pace quickens all around, and you will be busy.

July 24–Aug. 23

On the West Coast, Leo rises at the time of the Taurus new moon on May 16. Career activities intensify, and you may be in demand. Mars will chip in with some much-needed energy and restoration of confidence over the next four weeks.

Aug. 24–Sept. 23

Life intensifies dynamically from May 10 to 12. Surprises come along, and you may be surprised by your reaction. Excitement, adventure, and opportunity come your way. It's a busy and demanding time, and you may enjoy it, as Virgo loves to be busy and useful.

Sept. 24–Oct. 23

Publishing, education, and travel considerations loom into the picture. Creativity gets a boost and life becomes intense, demanding, and exciting over the next four weeks. Others will test you to see what you're made of, and you may have to parry back and forth.

Oct. 24–Nov. 22

Life can be a slippery slope as half-truths and shades of the truth block the light of the truth, if you allow it, on May 12. Mars-square Pluto on May 13 could manifest as an intense encounter or power struggle. The Taurus new moon on May 16 may propel you in a new direction.

Nov. 23–Dec. 21

Your hackles may be up about something, be it church or state or province. You may pace the floor as you contemplate your plans and the future. Share your ideas with those who can help you realize them.

Dec. 22–Jan. 20

As hard as you try to keep everything private and secret, the universe will guarantee that no secrets will be kept. It all comes out in the wash between now and September. Honourable up-front and out-front activity is best.

Jan. 21–Feb. 19

The road ahead remains a bit obscured. The intermittent fog and mist do not allow you to see the whole landscape. Without all the facts, you may feel unsure of which direction to choose. Rest assured you will find your way.

Feb. 20–March 20

A mix of positive and negative energies congeal as the moon passes through Pisces from May 10 to 12. You may be worked up and passionate about many things. Take your time with whatever comes up and see if your ideas can stand the test of time. Shocks and surprises could manifest.

Mac McLaughlin conducts personal consultations. You can reach him at 604-731-1109 or through .
