Straight Stars - May 17 to 23, 2007

jan 20 - feb 18
mar 21 - apr 19
jun 22 - jul 22
dec 22 - jan 19
may 21 - jun 21
jul 23 - aug 22
sept 23 - oct 23
feb 19 - mar 20
nov 22 - dec 21
oct 24 - nov 21
apr 20 - may 20
aug 23 - sept 22
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Happy birthday to the twins. The sun enters Gemini on May 21 as we experience the last of the spring signs. Gemini is a mutable air sign. Mutability indicates one’s ability to be versatile and able to adapt to new and changing conditions. The butterfly is an apt symbol for Gemini, as it flits from one flower to another and covers the neighbourhood in its journey through the day. It would be interesting to track a Gemini through the day as she makes her rounds, sharing and disseminating fascinating stories and gathering tidbits of news and gossip. If you’re ever bored and don’t know what to do, call your Gemini buddies, because they will be up on the happenings around town. Mercury comes into prominence, as he rules Gemini. Mercury opposes Jupiter on May 19 and squares Uranus on May 20, forming what we call a mutable T-square. Life is destined to heat up as the pace quickens dramatically on these days. Controversies and shocking news come our way. There may be a breakthrough or two as good news arrives, indicating accord and agreement. But we have been here before, and with Mercury squaring Uranus I don’t expect much stability or permanence. The sun, Mars, and the moon form a fine pattern on May 21 and 22 along with a good aspect between Mercury and Saturn, indicating that cooperative agreements have been reached. Somewhere in the midst of the above commentary, there we stand, you and I.

March 21–April 19

Dynamic, action-packed days lie ahead. The sun and Mars hook up in a very positive way, providing energy, strength, and confidence. This very fortunate sun-Mars combination will last until the end of June. As well, Mars is travelling through Aries, bringing out his greatest attributes.

April 20–May 21

The moon conjuncts Venus on May 19, and although it is a short-lived aspect it could provide the type of energy that we cherish. It is a day in which family and friends gather and memorable times are had. The sun enters your solar second house on May 21, enhancing your earning capacity.

May 22–June 20

It’s your time of the year, and it promises to be lively, active, and demanding. You will be busy, very busy. Your ruling planet, Mercury, hooks up with Jupiter and Uranus on May 19 and 20, forming a dynamic T-square, which will bring news, controversies, surprises, and breakthroughs.

June 21–July 23

The moon passes through Cancer just in time for the weekend of May 18 to 20. She catches up with Venus on May 19 right around dinner time. A great day and a great evening should come to pass. This is a perfect day to spend with people you care about.

July 24–Aug. 23

The sun passing through Gemini and Mars in Aries throws excellent energy your way from May 21 to the end of June. This planetary combination will invigorate you, inspire you, and bring back your somewhat tattered confidence. A grand fire triangle takes shape with Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn at the end of May and beginning of June. This phenomenon will bring benefits, assistance, and cooperation.

Aug. 24–Sept. 23

The first-quarter square of the moon occurs on May 23 in your sign. It puts a bit of an edge on the day, and in true Virgo style you lean into the problems until the answer is yes. Your ruling planet, Mercury, tangles with Jupiter and Uranus from May 19 to 21. This could create quite a bit of intensity and dynamic action, and possibly some controversy, which could last until May 25.

Sept. 24–Oct. 23

John Lennon (a Libra) said that the peacemakers are warriors and the warriors are peacemakers. The shadow of Libra is Aries and its ruler, Mars. In other words, there are nerves of steel and great courage and conviction of purpose just under the surface of the attractive and gentle exterior of your average Libra. The iron fist in the velvet glove is an apt description of you. Mars is travelling through Aries until late June, and you may be pacing the floor and ready for action.

Oct. 24–Nov. 22

Mars travels through your solar sixth house, governing matters of work and health. It’s a perfect time to start a new regime. Most Scorpios thrive on some form of regimentation. Travel opportunities may materialize and you may be hungry for a new adventure. A romance while travelling is highly probable.

Nov. 23–Dec. 21

Mercury, Jupiter, and Uranus form a T-square on May 19 and 20. This tells of a busy and demanding time in which you may be doing a nine-ball juggling act in order to keep up with what is on your plate. The trick of the times is to not bite off more than you can chew. With Jupiter moving through Sagittarius, you will most likely be successful in your endeavours.

Dec. 22–Jan. 20

It’s time for an overhaul from top to bottom. A vacation would work nicely and would help you to let down a bit. It’s time to consider the impact of tension and pressure on your body. It is the right time to plan for the future and to ensure that you are able to participate in it by living as naturally as possible now.

Jan. 21–Feb. 19

The sun and Mars lock step and provide excellent energy and action throughout the rest of May, and during June as well. Romance perks up and your creative mind and writing skills kick-start into action. You may be feeling quite excited about new developments in your life. Mercury and Jupiter also combine and conspire to help you in some way.

Feb. 20–March 20

A unique T-square between Mercury, Jupiter, and Uranus takes place from May 19 to 21, and it may stir up all kinds of activities, controversies, and unique opportunities. Home and real- estate matters come up, and a move may take place. The first-quarter square of the moon on May 23 in your opposite sign, Virgo, is another indicator that you will be busy and in demand.

Mac McLaughlin conducts personal consultations. You can reach him at 604-731-1109 or through .
