Vancouver Fringe Festival review: Get Lost Jem Rolls

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      I may have reached peak Jem Rolls. The Fringe circuit’s resident poet, Rolls is talented and eccentrically charismatic. He is also, inevitably, himself: comic, sentimental, and loud.

      In this new show, Rolls talks about his world travels—his stupidity, but also his glorious ability to get lost.

      The tone gets prescriptive. To paraphrase: “If you were as brave and open as I am, you too could hike down waterfalls and risk encounters with crocodiles.” If you haven’t already had enough of the Rolls style, you’ll have fun. He’s a pro.

      If you’ve seen him a lot, however, this show offers a reliable level of skill—but very little that’s new.


      Places to go nearby

      Approx. 15 minutes away
