Vancouver's largest water fight is coming to Stanley Park this Sunday

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      Break out the Super Soakers, Vancouver: it’s gonna be a wet one. (Well, wetter than it usually is around these parts, anyway.)

      The 11th annual Vancouver Water Fight is coming to Lumberman’s Arch at Stanley Park this Sunday (August 13), where hundreds of locals are expected to, like the event’s name suggests, shoot streams of cold water at one another via toy guns and other H2O-carrying contraptions.

      Organized by Vancouver Flash Mob—the same people behind Worldwide Pillow Fight Day—the function encourages attendees to arrive equipped with water pistols, bottles, homemade soakers, or “modest-sized containers”. Water balloons are forbidden because they are “messy” and “littering is a crime”. (We can’t argue with that.)

      Other common-sense no-nos include toting real weapons—or anything that could even be mistaken as a weapon—and soaking passersby and non-participants. “This is a LAUGH,” writes the organizers on the event’s Facebook page. “Don’t take it too seriously, and don’t beat each other up over it (close-up shooting and all that.)”

      The fun kicks off at 1 p.m. this Sunday. At the time of writing, the forecast calls for rain, though, if you’re already attending, chances are you’re not afraid to get a little wet. The water fight happens rain or shine.
