Industry expert: Vancouver street artist iHeart talks anonymity, ladders, and debt

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      If you’ve ever passed Vancouver General Hospital, headed down Main Street, or cycled through Stanley Park, you’re probably already familiar with the work of one of Vancouver’s premier street artists, iHeart. Inevitably compared to the designs of global superstar Banksy, iHeart’s paintings target issues like social-media usage, homelessness, and consumer culture with striking and humorous imagery.

      Although iHeart is quick to point out the differences in their styles—Banksy is, the local virtuoso notes, “an internationally renowned artist who builds amusement parks, does a month-long residency in New York, and sneaks into Gaza to paint cats”, while iHeart struggles to pay off a “backbreaking student-loan debt”—Banksy has posted the young Vancouverite’s work on his social-media.

      iHeart’s street art has been featured on notable blogs Hypebeast and Designboom, and his paintings have been exhibited at the Hot Art Wet City gallery in Vancouver and Taking Back the Streets in New York City. A big-name participant in the Vancouver Mural Festival this year, the famously secretive artist has put up seven new pieces around the city, all under the cover of darkness.

      Best street artist in Vancouver right now

      “I don’t like to pick favourites. Vancouver has a handful of street artists like Slingshot, Mega, Wrk(less), and M.W. Bowen who all bring something different to the table.”

      Best way to get into street art

      “Participation is a great first step.”

      Best way to choose a mural location

      “It’s ideal to pick a spot that’s empty at night and packed with people during the day.”

      Best Vancouver neighbourhood to fill with street art

      “I’m testing out the ‘broken-windows theory’ in some affluent areas. I’ll get back to you.”

      Best music to paint to

      “Yacht rock. I’m trying to stay optimistic about the future.”

      Best place to get a ladder

      “I find it to be more cost-effective to use old patio chairs, but if you’d rather drop $300 on a telescopic ladder, I’d suggest Home Depot.”

      Best place to network with other artists

      “I’m an introvert and out of the loop, but for nefarious activities like this I’d try the dark web.”

      Best piece of advice you’ve ever received

      “ ‘If you have any hope for humanity, don’t read the comments section.’ ”

      Best piece of feedback you’ve ever got

      “ ‘You should quit painting. Everything you’ve ever done is played out and unoriginal.’ ”

      Best way to remain anonymous

      “Delete Facebook.”
