Off The Rail Brewing Co.

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      t might be a little premature to call it Beer Row, but any bike-riding commuter will tell you that Adanac Street between Clark and McLean is an oasis of hoppy sanity in an ocean of being yelled at by assholes in cars. You’ve got your Bomber Brewing on one end of the street, an early adopter in Vancouver’s beery renaissance, and the younger and more Turk-like Off the Rail at the other. Launched by the former owners of the late, lamented Railway Club, Off the Rail offers a surprisingly elegant and intimate tasting room along with the most decadent snack ever invented—the bacon-cheese twist. But you’re here for the beer, aren’t you, in which case let’s recommend the shapely Psycle Path Lager as your mid-journey thirst-quencher. Why? Because it has a very clever bikey name; you got there on your bike; bikes, bikes, bikes, bikes, bikes; and because riding a bike just rules, generally, especially after a swift pint or two and with no helmet, like in civilized countries.


      1351 Adanac St Vancouver BC Canada 604-563-5767 Call · Directions

      Events near Off The Rail Brewing Co. approx. 15 minutes away