Democrats seek U.S. votes for Hillary Clinton in B.C.

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      As the U.S. presidential race moves into its final stretch, political strategists are pulling out all the stops to identify and motivate American voters. And, as polls tighten, a select group of Vancouverites may get to play an important role.

      With an estimated 50,000 U.S. citizens living in the Lower Mainland (and 160,000 total across B.C. and Yukon). American voters in B.C. have the potential to make a difference in the presidential contest between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, as well as down-ballot races.

      Mike Meneer, a member of Democrats Abroad-Vancouver and a U.S. politics commentator, expects that local absentee ballots will be “absolutely critical”.

      “This is the biggest, most consequential presidential election in recent memory,” the Akron, Ohio, native says, “and the mission of Democrats Abroad is to make sure that Americans living abroad are on the ball and voting in the federal elections. The organization has created a really simple and turnkey way of doing it, with the website You just go online, answer some questions, and download your ballot.”

      While the website was created by an arm of the Democratic Party, Meneer is quick to point out that one need not be a Democrat to use it, it won’t affect American tax status, and users won’t be registered as a member of the party (he also notes that Americans abroad can receive nonpartisan voting assistance from the U.S. State Department, as well as their local U.S. Consulate).

      Absentee votes are especially important, Meneer explains, “for people who vote in states that are on the bubble, like Ohio, Florida, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, and Colorado,” as these undecided battleground states—with large numbers of electoral-college votes—may wind up deciding the election.

      Meneer also stresses that the election will have cross-border repercussions.

      “This election will affect Canada. If Trump gets elected, imagine the temperament of the man we saw at the debate on the national stage, having to interact with other leaders. Imagine his perspective in dealing with the military and working with Canada on things like trade and environmental issues. He is not a collaborator; he is not a man who will see us as ‘brothers of a common mother’, as it says on the Peace Arch in Blaine.”

      Despite close polls and some of the most contentious and bitter campaigning ever, Meneer has high hopes that Clinton will emerge victorious.

      “I think the main group that Trump’s appealing to is about 20 [to] 25 percent of the electorate that has these very strong beliefs involving race and nationalism, but I don’t think it’s the majority of Americans. He didn’t use the debate to expand who he’s appealing to, whereas I thought Hillary did. I gotta think that, when it comes to pulling the lever on election day, cooler heads are going to prevail.”

      Democrats Abroad—Vancouver has a number of upcoming events and in-person voter-registration opportunities:

      Clinton-Trump 2nd Debate Watch, Sunday, October 9, 6 p.m., at Steamworks, 375 Water Street, Vancouver. Voter registration available on-site for eligible American citizens

      Clinton-Trump 3rd Debate Watch, Wednesday, October 19, 6 p.m., at Rogue/Waterfront Station, 601 West Cordova Street, Vancouver. Voter registration available on-site for eligible American citizens

      Election Night Returns Watch, Tuesday, November 8, 6 p.m. at Rogue/Waterfront Station, 601 West Cordova Street

      For more information:
