RCMP investigating new wave of anti-Chinese flyers distributed in Richmond

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      A second wave of anti-immigration flyers that targets Chinese populations has been circulated in Richmond, B.C.

      The new flyers depict a white couple and child looking at a house, with the woman saying "And I heard they don't pay taxes!!" The picture appears beneath a headline that states "Immigration Has Turned Into the Plundering of Canada".

      The flyers state "Tens of thousands of recently-arrived, wealthy Chinese live in mansions, use our schools, healthcare, physical infrastructure and our social safety net, send their children to our universities, and have been one of the major causes of grossly inflated house prices."

      The flyers also direct readers to the anti-immigration website Immigration Watch Canada.

      An RCMP spokesperson confirmed to the CBC that they are investigating in consultation with the B.C. Hate Crimes Team.

      B.C. Premier Christy Clark has denounced the flyers. News 1130 reported that she stated,  “It’s one thing for people to hold those views, it’s even worse that they think it’s acceptable to start trying to publicize those views by delivering it.”

      On November 18, RCMP launched an investigation into a previous set of flyers distributed in the Richmond neighbourhood of Steveston. The flyers stated "Step aside, Whitey! The Chinese are taking over!" and "Let's save Richmond".

      On November 27, Richmond residents attended a rally at the Richmond-Brighouse Canada Line Station to protest the flyers and to demonstrate that they are proud to be Canadians.

      Meanwhile in Toronto, police have been investigating flyers distributed in one of the city's eastern neighbourhoods that expressed racist, anti-immigration, and anti-multiculturalism sentiments. The flyers also encouraged people to join the alt-right and advertised links to websites promoting white nationalism and Donald Trump.

      The Toronto flyers were found on November 14. Donald Trump was elected U.S. president on November 8.

      You can follow Craig Takeuchi on Twitter at @cinecraig or on Facebook.
