Extinction Rebellion calls for climate truth by blocking traffic in Downtown Vancouver with a boat

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      Traffic in Vancouver’s downtown core was disrupted today by a different mode of transportation—a boat.

      Vancouver Police Department (VPD) spokesperson Tania Visintin stated in a news release that a group of about 150 people placed a 15-foot boat in the intersection of Granville and Georgia streets, thereby blocking traffic in all directions.

      The protest was part of Extinction Rebellion Vancouver’s “Spring Rebellion”, a weeklong series of events to raise awareness about and call for action on the climate and ecological crises.

      Today’s protest began on the north side of the Vancouver Art Gallery.

      The boat that blocked the street was painted pink with the phrase "Tell the truth" on it. 

      The protestors were permitted to peacefully assemble for a few hours until around 4 p.m. when police asked them to leave the area so that traffic could resume.

      Although most of the attendees cooperated by leaving the street, four people remained in the boat despite requests from police to leave.

      Officers arrested five individuals, ranging from 22 to 65 years old, for mischief and intimidation to block a roadway.

      Vancouver Fire Rescue Services assisted in removing the boat from the street.

      Extinction Rebellion Vancouver

      The next protest will be held on Sunday (May 2) and will involve blocking the Granville Street Bridge to call for climate action. 

      You can follow Craig Takeuchi on Twitter at @cinecraig or on Facebook.
