Sarah Leamon: Five actions you can take to support a woman's right to reproductive choice

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      Last week, the Supreme Court of the United States overturned Roe v. Wade and rolled back 50 years of reproductive rights in an instant. Although expected, the decision left many reeling nonetheless, and Canadians were no exception.  

      The majority of Canadians—and Americans for that matter—support access to abortion. So, as the court struck down this previously entrenched federal right for millions of Americans, many took pause to consider the fragility of such legal rights. With feelings of anger, sadness, frustration and helplessness, many of us wondered what would happen next for America and asked “could it happen here?” 

      Here are five easy things that we, as Canadians, can take to support those south of the boarder while also re-affirming our own commitment to reproductive rights right here at home:    

      1. Money talks

      There are various charities and organizations right here in Canada, such as Action Canada for Sexual Health & Rights of NAF-Canada, that support abortion funding. These funds help to arrange and pay for abortion appointments and travel costs for those in need of care.  They help to ensure access to abortion and reproductive medicine. 

      Although not everyone has the financial means to donate to charity, remember that every little bit helps. 

      And if you really can’t donate yourself, don’t worry—you can still share these important organizations with your friends and family. Awareness helps build support, which in turn, helps to ensure that donation dollars keep rolling in. 

      2. Vote wisely

      Your vote matters—a lot!

      Find out where your politicians stand on this important issue, particularly whenever an election is around the corner. If a candidate does not support abortion rights, and you do, don’t vote for them…it’s just that simple. 

      But you don’t have to wait for election time to vote—you can also apply this to your everyday life. 

      Look into the companies, service providers and brands that you support with your purchasing power. If they do not support abortion rights, consider alternatives. Vote with your wallet and support abortion rights just by going about your everyday life. 

      3. Stay informed

      Things happen quickly. That’s why it’s important to stay up-to-date and informed.

      There are a wide variety of mailing lists that you can sign up for to stay in the know, including the Abortion Rights Coalition of Canada and Action Canada for Sexual Health & Rights. If you use Twitter, Facebook or other social media platforms, you can also find information there by following verified, key accounts. It’s an easy way to make sure that you are aware of the issues as they unfold so that you can respond accordingly. 

      4. Write to your politicians

      Find out where your elected officials stand on the abortion issue. It’s usually pretty easy, as there is a wealth of information available online, including handy lists of antichoice politicians for easy reference. 

      If your elected official is antichoice, write to them. Explain why reproductive rights are important to you. Express your support for reproductive rights. Ask them to keep their personal opinions out of their political agenda. If they are pro-choice, write to them as well. Thank them for their support and for continuing to uphold and defend the right to abortion in this country. Ask them to keep working to ensure that your rights are safe. 

      Contact information for elected officials can be found online, and most accept correspondence by e-mail nowadays!

      5. Be seen and heard

      Don’t be shy—make your stance known. 

      There are plenty of ways to support reproductive rights in Canada; whether it’s participating in a pro-choice rally or sharing your own abortion story online. But if you don’t feel comfortable putting yourself out there like that, there are still other things that you can do. For example, consider posting supportive comments on pro-choice articles, news stories, and other online content or calling our antichoice propaganda and misinformation when you see it. 

      Every little bit helps. 

      If the recent SCOTUS decision has taught us anything, it’s not to take our rights for granted. We have to remain vigilant and continue our work at strengthening access to reproductive health care whenever possible. Taking action in small but meaningful ways can send a strong message, and make a big difference. 
