Geek of the Week

Geek of the Week: Followformation

Unlike Facebook, Twitter isn’t so much about who you’re friends with as who you’re interested in getting to know. Followformation aims to help newbies get started.

MakeFive wants your top-five lists

Are George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Bill O’Reilly, Charles Manson, and Donald Rumsfeld really the five most evil Americans alive? You can have your say on MakeFive, a Web site developed by Gastown-based smashLAB that invites users to create, vote on, and comment on top-five lists.

Krunchd helps people pass on links

Created by Vancouver-based Web developers Jeff Kee and Jordan Brill, Krunchd allows anyone to quickly make a list of up to 30 links.


Well that was weird

I was talking to an acquaintance recently when I realized that he was describing things he was...


R5 at Main and Hastings

We’re waiting for the bus heading east, you had your skateboard and a bouquet of flowers. We...

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