In Bruges

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      Starring Colin Farrell, Brendan Gleeson, and Ralph Fiennes. Rated 18A.

      “If I grew up on a farm and was retarded, I might be impressed by Bruges, but I didn’t, so”¦” That’s how brash young Irish hit man Ray (Colin Farrell) explains his lack of affection for Belgium’s most picturesque city to his partner-in-crime, Ken (Brendan Gleeson), as the two killers pretend to be tourists while awaiting a phone call from Harry (Ralph Fiennes), their London-based boss.

      Ken, conversely, loves every bell tower and canal in the place, savouring Hieronymus Bosch as if the Flemish artist were his favourite beer. Ray, meanwhile, puts the moves on a local girl (Clémence Poésy) while offending just about everyone he meets within moments of opening his mouth. He has most of the funniest lines and, at first glance, is happy-go-lucky.

      But Ray has a troubled conscience, and his two colleagues have moral qualms of their own as to who should receive the next bullet and why. From the first to last frames, writer-director Martin McDonagh keeps the humorous and suspenseful elements perfectly balanced.

      Olivier Award–winning playwright that he is, McDonagh definitely knows how to write rip-roaring dialogue. Many of the jokes involve alternate pats on the back to Bruges and kicks in the ass to Belgium (although occasionally this order is reversed). The actors were clearly having a great time, and their enjoyment is contagious.

      In Bruges will almost certainly prove to be the most satisfying comedy thriller of 2008.
