Bullying can appear in many different forms

Reading the hysterical manifesto signed by a group of Jewish leftists [“The Bullying Must Stop” advertisement, June 17-24], one would think that we were living under a brutal dictatorship—that the evil Stephen Harper and his parliamentary cohorts are issuing orders to arrest, seize properties and business ventures, and expropriate personal possessions í  la Hugo Chávez. Or that CSIS agents were knocking at the door to throw the signatories into torture chambers and prisons, exactly as is done in Ahmadinejad’s Iran or Castro’s Cuba. Or that paramilitary brigades on the payroll of the Canadian Jewish Congress or B’nai Brith were silencing the manifesto authors by tossing them from rooftops and shooting them with AK-47s í  la Hamas in Gaza’s Wonderland, which the authors admire and support wholeheartedly.

The “bullied into silence” bunch are, actually, quite loud, and complain openly that the government prevented them from having a love fest with a terrorist appeaser, former British MP George Galloway, who’s just been thrown out of office by a disgusted electorate.

But seriously, the intellectual dishonesty of that manifesto is just breathtaking. No one in this country is “bullying into silence” self-professed Israel haters, whether they are Jewish or not. Moreover, I believe that the voices of this Jewish bunch should be heard by the entire Jewish community. We should all know how these small groups, these institutions of future “Kapos”, these “Jews for a second Holocaust” prepare cadres to man crematorium operations that Hamas, Iran, al-Qaeda, and many others like them are planning right now.

These nominally Jewish individuals are nothing more than terrorist enablers. These signatories are the real bullies who use hateful propaganda on their brethren. Finally, I would like to give the authors of that manifesto one free piece of advice: if you do not like sometimes being called a Jewish anti-Semite, a self-hating Jew, et cetera, there is an easy solution: stop acting like one!

> Dr. Grigori Khaskin / President of Jewish Advocacy for the Conservative Party



Stephen Slater

Jun 30, 2010 at 11:22am

While I realize Zionism follows the tenet that the best defense is a strong offense, at least have facts at your command rather then the ad hominem laced, tear gas technique(to blind and disperse any critics)used yet again by Zio-apologist Khashkin in his cookie cutter response(Bullying can appear in different forms)No one with a fully functioning brain or conscience believes the lies anymore .Gaza is a slow Genocide.The Mavi Marmara was murder and piracy.Judge Goldstone's report was the last chance for the rogue state Israel to stop using the self defense card as a license to murder.The next step(war on Iran)will be a whirlwind reaped by us all.

abas costa

Jun 30, 2010 at 6:53pm

I am glad that you published the above dribble by Khaskin. Let your readers and the world see how the Dr's mind works! So far we have become totally immune to the labels of: self-hating Jew, Jew hater, Israel hater, Israel basher, anti-Semite, terrorist, terrorist sympathizer, but now the good Dr added "terrorist enabler". Wow. What next, I wonder.

Pat Bischoff,

Jun 30, 2010 at 8:29pm

While on the topic of "facts at our command" you have them dead wrong, Mr. Slater. Although in some cases the best defense is indeed an offense, in this case the best defense is honesty and fair reporting! As a Zionist myself, I really did not know that we Jews followed this tenet any more than you ordinary folks do.

Again, for the record and for the sake of "facts" there is NO GENOCIDE IN GAZA! Yes, none at all! There are no beheadings, no mass slaughterings, hangings, raping and stoning of women by the Israelis. Only bombs in retaliation for rockets! As of last count close to 8,000! Perhaps you have confused the location of your so called genocide with Darfur? It has been proven that the Mavi Marmara was smuggling weapons into Israel which were intended to murder innocent civilians. Even had Israel not found any weapons on board, she had every right to do the inspection and do it thoroughly. Keep in mind, Hamas needed an additional supply of weapons, since after firing those 8,000 rockets into Israel they must have run out! Are these facts clear enough for you, Mr. Slater?

C. Drachenberg

Jun 30, 2010 at 11:17pm

(moderator: please ignore my previous two submissions. Thanks.)

Like Margaret Atwood in her Haaretz essay, I'm someone on the sideline who deplores the violence between the Israeli state and Palestinians, and wish for a happy ending for all. I saw the post [“The Bullying Must Stop” advertisement, June 17-24] and thought it was a reasonable call to stop the hurtful name-calling and vindictive labelling of Jewish people who are politically opposed to specific policies of the Canadian and Israeli government. But I was shocked today to see Grigori Khaskin's hateful tirade against a politically involved group of Canadian Jews who took out the ad. He raised one hysterical cliche after chiche on topics I did not read in “The Bullying Must Stop” piece.

According to Khaskin, you are a "self-professed Israeli hater" if you publicly disagree with policies of governments and institutions. In this case, you're labeled as evil even if you ask that such ciriticisms are not shouted down. Margaret Atwood, Rick Salutin, Yoav Shamir, and many other Jewish and non-Jewish people have published critical works - according to Khaskin, they too must be "anti-Semite, a self-hating Jew, et cetera".

Readers, please view the following works by people who want to improve understanding and dialogue between and within different culture groups. After you read the articles or watch the documentary, should Margaret Atwood, Rick Salutin, and Yoav Shamir also deserve to be bullied into silence?

The Shadow over Israel
By Margaret Atwood, Haaretz (Isreali publication)
Excerpt: "The attempts to shut down criticism are ominous, as is the language being used. Once you start calling other people by vermin names such as “vipers,” you imply their extermination."

Who are the friends of Israel?
By Rick Salutin, Globe and Mail
Excerpt: "Societies that lose their internal dissent and self-criticism have a sad and scary record, especially when combined with a sense of victimization."

Who's hating whom?
Interview with Isreali film-maker Yoav Shamir
Excerpt: "One striking thing I discovered was how many American Jews – not all of them obviously – are using antisemitism as a way of maintaining their identity."

Yoav Shamir’s Defamation
This memorable, must-see movie is by turns hilarious, profound and disturbing. Was screened to a packed house in the 2009 Vancouver International Film Festival.
Click on the Vimeo link and watch the entire 90 minute movie in English. There is also a version narrated in Hebrew.

Peace, CD


Jul 1, 2010 at 1:39am

If an Indian, Thai, or Frenchman questioned or opposed policies of their
respective countries, they wouldn't be labelled a "self-hating... Hindu,
Buddhist, or Catholic..." Yet, when God forbid Jews have the
gall to criticize Israeli actions that clearly violate every semblance of
humanity, talking head bullies like Mr. Kaskin take full aim and fire

It is you, Mr. Khaskin, and your bullying ilk and not the Jews who composed 'The Bullying must Stop!' who do injustice and a
disservice to Judaism.

Paul Z.

Jul 1, 2010 at 2:33am

Wow... just finished watching on youtube 'CENSORED Mainstream Media
Israel's simultaneous (internal Israeli protests)' against the May 31st act of piracy.

Hmm... with all those dissenters within Israeli, Grigori Khaskin will surely
have his hands full attacking them for not blindly wrapping themselves in the Israeli flag.


Jul 1, 2010 at 3:00pm

Pat Bischoff
For your edification: Attacks with homemade rockets from the illegally occupied Gaza Strip began in 2001 and took their first Israeli victim in 2004. Since then, there had been 14 Israeli deaths prior to Israel’s massive land, air and sea 22 day assault against the caged and essentially defenceless inhabitants of the Gaza Strip which began on 27 December 2008 (Operation Cast Lead.) While tragic, hardly comparable to the 1,700 Gaza Strip Palestinians, including many innocent bystanders, women and children, killed by Israel during the same period (i.e., 2001-08). Also, just to remind you, during Operation Cast Lead Israel killed 1,417 Gazans, including 926 civilians, of whom 313 were children and 121 were women, along with 255 civil police officers (traffic police.) Israel suffered 13 dead, including three civilians from rocket fire and three soldiers killed in a friendly-fire incident.

In violation of the terms of the 17 June 2008 cease-fire agreement with Hamas, Israel permitted only 20% of the amount of essentials agreed to into the Gaza Strip which led to sporadic rocket fire into Israel (causing no casualties) by Islamic Jihad and Fatah’s Al Aqsa Brigades, not Hamas, which attempted to stop the rockets. On November 4 – the day of the U.S. presidential election - Israel crossed the border and killed six Palestinians. Hamas responded with rocket fire but at the same time offered to extend the June 17 truce if Israel would abide by its terms. Israel refused. Hamas rocket fire resumed and although no Israeli was killed, it was used by Israel as a justification for Operation Cast Lead.

As for your assertion that "[i]t has been proven that the Mavi Marmara was smuggling weapons into Israel which were intended to murder innocent civilians," it is untrue, a figment of yours or some other Hasbara puppet's imagination.


Jul 1, 2010 at 3:08pm

Pat Bischoff
For your edification: Attacks with homemade rockets from the illegally occupied Gaza Strip began in 2001 and took their first Israeli victim in 2004. Since then, there had been 14 Israeli deaths prior to Israel’s massive land, air and sea 22 day assault against the caged and essentially defenceless inhabitants of the Gaza Strip which began on 27 December 2008 (Operation Cast Lead.) While tragic, hardly comparable to the 1,700 Gaza Strip Palestinians, including many innocent bystanders, women and children, killed by Israel during the same period (i.e., 2001-08). Also, just to remind you, during Operation Cast Lead Israel killed 1,417 Gazans, including 926 civilians, of whom 313 were children and 121 were women, along with 255 civil police officers (traffic police.) Israel suffered 13 dead, including three civilians from rocket fire and three soldiers killed in a friendly-fire incident.

In violation of the terms of the 17 June 2008 cease-fire agreement with Hamas, Israel permitted only 20% of the amount of essentials agreed to into the Gaza Strip which led to sporadic rocket fire into Israel (causing no casualties) by Islamic Jihad and Fatah’s Al Aqsa Brigades, not Hamas, which attempted to stop the rockets. On November 4 – the day of the U.S. presidential election - Israel crossed the border and killed six Palestinians. Hamas responded with rocket fire but at the same time offered to extend the June 17 truce if Israel would abide by its terms. Israel refused. Hamas rocket fire resumed and although no Israeli was killed, it was used by Israel as a justification for Operation Cast Lead.

As for your assertion that "[i]t has been proven that the Mavi Marmara was smuggling weapons into Israel which were intended to murder innocent civilians," it is untrue, a figment of yours or some other Hasbara puppet's imagination.


Jul 1, 2010 at 4:23pm

Pat Bischoff
For your edification: Attacks with homemade rockets from the illegally occupied Gaza Strip began in 2001 and took their first Israeli victim in 2004. Since then, there had been 14 Israeli deaths prior to Israel’s massive land, air and sea 22 day assault against the caged and essentially defenceless inhabitants of the Gaza Strip which began on 27 December 2008 (Operation Cast Lead.) While tragic, hardly comparable to the 1,700 Gaza Strip Palestinians, including many innocent bystanders, women and children, killed by Israel during the same period (i.e., 2001-08). Also, just to remind you, during Operation Cast Lead Israel killed 1,417 Gazans, including 926 civilians, of whom 313 were children and 121 were women, along with 255 civil police officers (traffic police.) Property damage is well over $1 billion US. Israel suffered 13 dead, including three civilians from rocket fire and three soldiers killed in a friendly-fire incident.

In violation of the terms of the 17 June 2008 cease-fire agreement with Hamas, Israel permitted only 20% of the amount of essentials agreed to into the Gaza Strip which led to sporadic rocket fire into Israel (causing no casualties) by Islamic Jihad and Fatah’s Al Aqsa Brigades, not Hamas, which attempted to stop the rockets. On November 4 – the day of the U.S. presidential election - Israel crossed the border and killed six Palestinians. Hamas responded with rocket fire but at the same time offered to extend the June 17 truce if Israel would abide by its terms. Israel refused. Hamas rocket fire resumed and although no Israeli was killed, it was used by Israel as a justification for Operation Cast Lead.

As for your assertion that "[i]t has been proven that the Mavi Marmara was smuggling weapons into Israel which were intended to murder innocent civilians," it is patently untrue, a figment of yours or some other Hasbara puppet's imagination.

Pat Bischoff,

Jul 1, 2010 at 8:01pm

Fact: 1,190 people have been killed by Palestinian violence and terrorism since September, 2000.

Fact: 8,342 Israelis have been wounded in terror attacks between 2001 and 2007.

Fact: A total of 140 suicide attacks killed 542 men, women and children.

It is BECAUSE of the non stop 8,000 rockets being fired into Israel and the 140 suicides causing the deaths of 542 Israelis that has led to the confinement of those rag tag rocketeers! Those 6 Palestinians killed by border crossing Israelis just happened to be Hamas terrorists who had been heroically hiding behind their women and children and were responsible for murdering innocent Jews.

As far as the flotilla goes, you know darn well the whole thing was a show for bleeding heart morons. They underestimated the IDF. Yet again a war of propaganda lost taking more lives!

Your figures are wrong. There were no 313 children killed in Gaza, or 926 civilians. Those 1,417 Gazans you so innocently mention happened to be members of the terror group Hamas, who were responsible for the murder of innocent Israelis.

Life in Gaza is no picnic but there is plenty of food there for everybody. They even have beautiful restaurants with expensive wine lists for their elite Hamas. Far from caged animal!