End of the line.

I'm the last male in my family and my family name ends with me so you would think I would be over active in pursuing women. My dad calls me all the time wondering about updates and I simply have no hawser other than I do not posses any attractive qualities but In actual honesty, I am complete turned off by the women here and have zero sex drive anymore. In the years I have lived here it's been : No as in none, zero flirting, rolling eyes all day long, wrong numbers, told I cannot afford her by her, told to fuck myself for saying hello, robbed, lied to, physically abused, gun levelled at my face (that was scary) and this list could go on for days.. Why did I move to the worlds worst place to date women I will never know but seriously I could care a less anymore. Let if fade.....


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This again...

Jan 14, 2016 at 9:02am

I'm starting to think it's the men now. Who are these women? I don't know any body like this. Are you meeting them in high end bars or something? Are you trying to meet high maintenance young Barbie girls? I'm married, many of my friends have really great girlfriends. Blaming the city doesn't seem like your problem.

0 0Rating: 0

What the hell are you doing to women

Jan 14, 2016 at 10:20am

Maybe it's rad you're the last dude in your line

0 0Rating: 0

I hope that

Jan 14, 2016 at 12:28pm

if you ever find a woman, she decides to give the children her last name.

0 0Rating: 0


Jan 14, 2016 at 1:53pm

The OP’s tone makes me want to join the choir of naysayers, but sadly my experience is all too similar. Attractive people will never understand what it’s like for many of us, so there’s no point of trying to explain yourself. All it does is make you come across as a self-pitying whiner and no one likes that.

0 0Rating: 0


Jan 14, 2016 at 2:26pm

It sounds like you have had some very bad luck in the dating scene and maybe your looking at all the wrong ones try changing a quality you look for get to know someone with opposite interests but don't give up there are a few nice women out there. I also have has some not so nice encounters with men but its because they are all looking for the perfect tiny fit flawless beauty that doesn't exist and until they change there ideals they will forever search. Believe it or not some of us value personality over looks. Good luck

0 0Rating: 0

Yah so

Jan 14, 2016 at 3:43pm

Just like girls who always complain they constantly get stuck dating losers.... It's not them, it's you. You are the one seeking these loser girls. And you attract these loser girls. You can only change yourself.

0 0Rating: 0

monkey business

Jan 14, 2016 at 5:01pm

Read "The game". It sounds awful, but like that damn cough commercial, it works.

0 0Rating: 0

Can we talk more about

Jan 14, 2016 at 6:38pm

the gun leveled at your face? Jesus Tapdancing Christ, what the fuck happened to provoke that incident?

0 0Rating: 0


Jan 15, 2016 at 12:37am

I replied once but it didn't make the cut apparently, Hopefully they print it. I'm not shy.

@ primate job. I don't need help from a book by PUA . I'm a man, I walk right up to women and ask them out old school style and have good results, my post was about the latter stages of dating or simple street action that I'm not overly fond of.

@ CWTMA. I went over to a new lady friends house and she was all coy , went to the bathroom and said she was going to change into something special. I was excited :) !!!! I did not know this girl was self medicating on white smokable nuggets at the time, she came out with a loaded gun pointed at me " Surprise, am i sexy?" YES, YES you are...

Full clip, safety on. Not funny. I guess gun play makes girls from chilliwack horny. Made my penis softer than ice cream in July however so fail gun 101.

It is funny that woman automatically just assume I'm going after plastic models and bimbos. . I would never date a woman with plastic parts , what would the kids say. "Why is mommy's face melting like a candle? uhhhhh eat your cereal."

@ ya so. They look just like your sister and her friends. The office girl who looks sweet and gentle. A DTES care worker, A banker, An ecologist..... See a pattern here. Looks good on the outside and on paper but the insides aren't wrapped to tight and some have had the bolts screwed to many times.

Has every woman I have ever dated been shitty, No. Sometimes it does not click and it's a mutual separation but my post was about my experience here and only here.

I was the unlucky guy here, somebody always has to draw the short straw too bad it was me every time.

Oh well.

0 0Rating: 0

Saw a study...

Jan 15, 2016 at 4:27pm

Where some university went through tens of thousands of ads for women 4 men, and 75 to 80 % wanted men considerably taller than them or over 6'.
There were but a handful of men looking for height characteristics.

We all know women are many times more fussy about looks than men.

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