
UGH! Unemployed and looking for work. Companies are so slow in responding to job applications. I don't get it when companies repost their job ads. Thanks. All the hard work completing my application and I do not get acknowledged. I have two degrees and accounting designation. Ten years experience in accounting. Nothing. No job offers. I know I should be positive but when you a re on the food bank line... this sucks. Yes I volunteer my time but no leads. everyone else was asking me for job leads. Trying but nothing happening.


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It's awful; I know.

Jan 14, 2016 at 6:28pm

The job market is absolutely nuts. It took me quite awhile to land my current gig, so I definitely empathize with you.

I'm sure the right job is waiting for you... this is cliché to say, but keep your head up, keep putting in the effort, and tell yourself that you'll connect with the right job at the right moment. It sounds like you're doing everything correctly, so I'm sure it's just a matter of time before you're employed again.

All the best to you!

10 6Rating: +4

I'm with ya!

Jan 14, 2016 at 10:38pm

I'm in the same boat... had a couple of close calls. Have 10+ successful years in my industry.. I'm getting the impression that experience isn't a good thing out here in Vancouver ... keep your head up!!

6 10Rating: -4

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