Homeless in Vancouver: Day four of the snow-vasion in Fairview

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      As Vancouver trudges, slides, spins-out, falls and otherwise grudgingly enters the fourth day of its winter bondage (February 13), I am reminded of the Hunger Games film series—both for its interminable length and story line.

      Snow all the way down. A building manager shovels in the 1300 block of West Broadway at 7:39 a.m.
      Stanley Q. Woodvine

      Specifically I’m thinking of the way that the people of Pan-Am, er, Panem finally rose up and threw off the despotic reign of—oh…who was it again?

      Oh yes. The evil President SNOW!

      Ironically, only good, old-fashioned rain will end the reign of “President Snow” in Vancouver. And that, we are told is coming to our rescue any day now.

      Even the dogs are pooped! Picking up after a pooch on Spruce Street at 7:24 a.m.
      Stanley Q. Woodvine

      And though this will only mean trading one unwelcome guest for another, the snow has so overstayed its welcome that it must go—and take its disagreeably cold and unfamiliar ways with it!

      Rain, at least, is a devil that we all know and know how to get along with.

      Wump! Evidence of more snowfall at 10:25 a.m.
      Stanley Q. Woodvine
