Social media users dish up scathing responses to organizers of Straight Pride parade

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      It looks like the City of Boston will sanction the first march in Massachusetts to celebrate heterosexuality.

      Right-wing activist Mark Sahady announced on his Facebook page that local officials have given the green light to a Boston Straight Pride Parade after a group called Super Happy Fun America filed a discrimination complaint. Sahady is its vice president.

      "The city is now working with us on the parade," Sahady wrote. "We will have the streets closed and be allowed floats and vehicles. The tentative date is 8/31 but will be finalized in the next few weeks."

      The group's slogan is "it's great to be straight"; its president, John Hugo, purports that straight people are an "oppressed majority". Hugo claims to live openly as a straight man.

      He and Sahady want the letter "S" added to LGBTQ to include straights.

      "Super Happy Fun America advocates on behalf of the straight community in order to build respect, inclusivity, equality, diversity, unity, solidarity, dignity, social mobility, empowerment, sustainability, justice, awareness, intersectionality, human rights, education, access, participation, dialogue, visibility, tolerance, and alliances with people from all walks of life," its website states. "We encourage everyone to embrace our community’s diverse history, culture, and identity regardless of sexual orientation."

      That's led to a wave of ridicule and condemnation over social media. You can see some of the responses below.
