Flash Bastard finally destroys rock n' roll

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      In the year 2000, Vancouver’s Flash Bastard was sitting on top of the world with an album about to be released on Nikki Sixx’s Americoma label, and an opening slot on Mötley Crüe’s North American tour.

      Within months it had all fallen apart in spectacular fashion, with the band getting kicked off the tour after vocalist Donal Finn chased the Scorpions’ frontman Klaus Meine backstage in Portland with a pitchfork. The album was never released, and Flash Bastard broke up shortly after. On Halloween of this year, however, a new version of the album, Rock N’ Roll Must Be Destroyed, appeared on iTunes, with a vinyl edition pending from France’s Black Cat Records.

      Calling from L.A., Finn told the Straight that a reunion show at the Rickshaw last year prompted the band to take another swing. “[Bassist] Pete [Mills] and I both regretted that record never coming out,” he said. “It’s a new beginning. This is the part in Spinal Tap where Nigel Tufnel comes back on-stage, his wireless doesn’t work, but someone said ‘Sex Farm’ is a big hit in Japan and then they cut to the drummer blowing up—it’s that part of the movie right now.”

      Check back for the rest of our insanely entertaining interview with Finn—coming soon.




      Mar 18, 2014 at 1:55pm

      My heart sank until I saw the date on this article. I had the misfortune of interviewing these children (definitely not men) on my radio show in 2000, just after they had been kicked off that tour. They were the biggest waste-of-skin douchebags. Everyone in the studio were laughing at how much they thought they were the shit and how stupid they came across on air. I wish I had a recording of that interview for sheer cringe-worthiness listening. That's 14 years ago and I can only hope they've grown a little bit as people. Glad to see this half-article buried in obscurity. Please let this band die in obscurity. That way we know there is justice in the world sometimes. Now where's the door to get the f--- out of here....

      Martin Dunphy

      Mar 18, 2014 at 4:57pm

      At least one person was Googling the band, Kent...