Surrey First councillor Judy Villeneuve excited about “very high turnout”

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      Half an hour before the polls close, Surrey’s ruling party looks very much like it’s ready to party.

      At the Central City Brewing Pub, just steps away from the Surrey Central SkyTrain Station, politicians belonging to Surrey First and their supporters have begun gathering, their voices barely rising above the blaring pop music.

      Councillor Judy Villeneuve and her husband Michael were among the first to arrive. The arts advocate was asked how she thought today’s election is going down.

      “It’s been a very interesting three-way race,” Villeneuve told the Straight. “But what I’m very excited about is there’s very high turnout of the polls. So obviously the public  is a bit more engaged than they usually are.

      “And you know Surrey is sort of in a crossroads,” Villeneuve continued. “We’re either going to move forward or we may go backwards, if people make some other choices.”

      “I’ve had my most productive last three terms on council, and so I’m certainly pulling for Surrey First,” Villeneuve said.

      Outgoing Surrey mayor Dianne Watts is expected to introduce her chosen successor, Surrey First standard bearer and current councillor Linda Hepner, once the vote results are in.
