How is your hate working for you?

I feel truly sorry for people in the construction industry. Most of them, nearly every one of them are sad. They choose insecurity and ignorance, and wonder why their lives are filled with obstacles while they dish out hate to anyone not like them. Well, when your go-to is to openly hate people that you don't bother to get to know, you are begging for misfortune and people like me are happy to oblige. You don't know who the person you act mean to is or what they do, but when I meet people like them, especially ones who mention the company they work for, I flag them at work. These are the same people who come with hat in hand and wonder why people like me in power say "no". I don't just do that, I make sure to spread the word to other contacts and all relevant organizations. I don't bother with social media, I talk to industry contacts. No, not talk to them...warn them. So, next time you look for favours and someone says they can't help you, know that there's a pretty good chance you've screwed yourself indefinitely.


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Out of curiosity

Apr 25, 2024 at 10:00am

Why do you hate construction workers so much? Perhaps you were sexually harassed on the job? Did you try reporting any of these toxic people to your boss or your union?

14 8Rating: +6

From Memory

Apr 25, 2024 at 11:19am

Are 25,000 construction companies in BC, industry makes up ~10% of the GDP, with 170,000 in the trades, and another 60-70,000 all over.
And seeing as 90% of them are men- with the few women working in offices and HR- you've met maybe 1 in 1000 of them and can decide that "nearly every one of them are sad" and insecure/ ignorant etc.

Quite the misandric post and your hatred is showing itself.

Sure hate is myself as a construction worker

Apr 25, 2024 at 1:16pm

I am not filled with hate me I am filled high level frustration because I am wondering why my job is effecting others whom I really disgust in stomach to think that I have brought this to them sure maybe I saw a suspicious cookie jar but does it mean all must stuffer that's not the building plans of my God!? wth man!

10 8Rating: +2

Here here

Apr 25, 2024 at 4:54pm

Not all construction workers are as bad as you think. Each job industry has good people and bad people. There's fresh fruit and rotten fruit in every tree, so don't generalize.

Kitchen Confidential

Apr 25, 2024 at 6:40pm

This sounds like many of the people who work in Vancouver's kitchens. Unhappy and resenting the waitstaff, because they have the social skills they don't and even hating the customers, the people who pay their salaries. There's so much bitterness, but they won't do anything to change the trajectory of their lives. A lifetime of misery.


Apr 28, 2024 at 9:46am

They act so hard done by but make more money per hour than most of us, that's what gets me

11 8Rating: +3

@From memory

Apr 29, 2024 at 5:58pm

You can quote those stats all you like, but as someone who once had intimate knowledge of how truly corrupt that industry is, I can confirm that it’s rotten to the very core. On both sides. I’m not the op and I have no comment about the content of their post, but what you said just needed to have a response. Also, give it up with the accusation of misandry, because you have no idea of who the Op is, and just because someone has a beef with the behaviour of some men doesn’t mean they hate all men.


Apr 30, 2024 at 4:13am

Well if you think it's so easy, go work in the boiling sun and freezing rain- hauling stuff, handling tools bent over, digging,doing dangerous stuff etc for 40 hours a week.
Only skilled trades make the good money, but the above still applies. Plenty of guys breaking their bodies for $20-25 an hour.

I guess you think they should be paid the same as a store worker working in a mall as a cashier or folding clothes??

@@ From Memory

May 1, 2024 at 4:59pm

Welp OP said at the start that nearly all of them are sad, insecure, hating etc so not sure why you twist it around that OP didn't say all men.
I guess you mean that under 90% doesn't mean all men?

4 8Rating: -4

@@@from memory

May 2, 2024 at 10:01pm

Welp is such a stupid word, but aside from that, so is the assumption that some random stranger talking about a group of people they may have worked with represents how that person feels about an entire gender. I’ll say it again since you appear to be confused: accusing a person expressing their opinion about a specific group of individuals of being a misandrist is not logical. You have no way of knowing who they are or even what their sexual identity might be, least of all how they feel about men as an entire group. I’m going to go out on a limb here and suggest that it’s you who’s projecting your own hatred, and not the other way around.

4 8Rating: -4

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