You Nearly Missed: Joe Pickett and Nick Prueher’s “Found Footage Festival Vol. 10”

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      Childhood friends Joe Pickett and Nick Prueher love the VHS tapes that time forgot. 

      While life took both of them down paths of successful comedy writing careers—Pickett to The Onion and Clickhole, Prueher to The Late Show with David Letterman and The Colbert Report—their love of all things video has never waned. 

      The pair’s live comedy show, the Found Footage Festival, has been tickling audiences since 2004, showcasing the weirdest and wackiest found footage from their extensive VHS collections.  

      Regular tours have taken them across North America and Europe for the last 20 years, putting on different iterations of the show, where they highlight their favourites from their most recently procured (and obscure) tapes. According to a statement, this year’s offerings include: “a video dating tape for women in 1987, a striptease video called Males In Motion, and a mysterious New Age seminar called Elimination: The First Step.”

      Hot on the heels of last year’s Found Footage Festival Vol. 9, Vol. 10 rolls into town at the end of this week to take over the Rio for a night of pixellated hilarity. 

      So if you’ve ever wanted to sit in the Rio while a pair of comedians extoll the wonders of videos that should have been left in the 20th century, boy howdy, is this the show for you. 

      Found Footage Festival Vol. 10 

      When: December 1, 7pm

      Where: The Rio Theatre

      Admission: $30 in advance here, $33 on the door
