The best quotes from our recent reader survey

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      We know that the only way to make a paper for the people is to engage with the people. That’s why we recently conducted a reader survey: to understand what you, our readers, really want.

      What are we doing well? Where are we failing? What do you wish we’d do more of? 

      The answers were extensive, and we’ll be poring over them for months to come. Here are a few highlights.

      • Quirky Vancouverites: “I love reading the I Saw You [section]. Vancouverites are such strange and unusual humans!” You can say that again!
      • Long-lost contests: “I used to adore all the contests that were run but not seen any forever. So maybe what to do locally this week?”
      • Connection: The Georgia Straight fosters a sense of community by spotlighting good things happening in the Lower Mainland. It helps counter all the awful news in the world and inspires positive actions.”
      • Unique event coverage: “The paper stands out with its coverage of niche and sub-community events. Zooming in on neighborhoods like the West End, Mt. Pleasant, and Hastings-Sunrise would capture the diverse and vibrant cultural tapestry of Vancouver.”
      • Nostalgia for print:Georgia Straight was my go-to. I used to religiously pick up the paper version and looked forward to it each week.” Us, too.
      • Real and revealing: “Always timely stories and ‘inside baseball’ on what’s happening in the region. It’s REAL.”
      • Hidden gems: “Keeps me apprised of the hip happenings around Vancouver!”
      • Accessibility: “I’m grateful to your publication because I can sense the life and familiarity of the city through your articles and postings.”
      • Forever local: “That you support local music, the arts, and are an all-inclusive paper that supports everyone regardless of religion, culture, creed, and gender.” Amen.
      • Newsletter love: “Since the pandemic, I haven’t picked up a paper version. But now I get it delivered to my inbox and I think that it tends to reveal good stuff about town.”
      • A positive spin: “Some of the other online publications are a bit too doom/gloom to get clicks. Always going on about stuff to hate about Vancouver.”
      • Progressive voice: “It is one of the very few local newspapers that are progressive. And it has a great theatre calendar.”
      • Loyalty meets change: "Things have changed so much over the years, even the past 10/15. BUT your magazine was the ‘it’ source for all Vancouverites. I still think that I have my finger on the pulse of all things ‘cool’ happening in Vancouver.”
      • Renewed focus: “I have read The Georgia Straight for decades. I appreciate the new feature-length articles. The state of the streets in Vancouver, the wealth gap, and what clever humans are doing to save the planet is important. Less stuff. More impact.”
      • Diverse coverage: “The variety of topics. Coverage of topics I’d never get from other news sources! So much that goes unremarked, thank you!” You are very, very welcome.
      • Yearning for the past: “I used to adore the knowledgeable and witty writers, critics, reviewers, but the Straight lost its mojo since the turmoil. I really want it to come back to [being the go-to] publication.” We hear you.
      • Family: “A dedicated section for families and affordability would be great. Providing tips on low-cost fun things to do, hidden hacks to save money, and monthly series for saving creatively can enhance the reader’s experience.”
      • Tone fail: “A little more intellectual, please. You’re trying too hard to be witty too often.” Fair point. We’ll refrain from saying anything witty to end things off.
