Bev Collins: Stop George Bush and Dick Cheney from entering Canada

By Bev Collins  

While Dick Cheney and George W. Bush continue to be investigated in the U.S. and around the world for their support and approval of war crimes committed during their illegal war in Iraq, Canadians have  extended invitations for them to come and speak in this country.

And once  again,  it appears as though the federal government will do nothing to stop them from crossing the border.

This October, we can expect, Bush, Cheney, and their U.K. war accomplice Tony Blair to visit Canada, extolling their successes during their eight-year war on terror.

This war on terror has not only destroyed the rights and freedoms of the American people, but also the Canadian people through parallel legislation that was deemed essential after the attacks of 9/11.

Canada’s minority government continues to ignore the lies told by the Bush Administration over the last eight years, which have now been publicly exposed.

These U.S. officials have been credibly accused of crimes against humanity and war crimes by legal experts.

Even though Canada is a signatory to the Convention on Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment  and  as well as the Geneva Conventions, we have no one in Parliament at this time who is willing to stand up for these laws.

All  four federal political leaders in  Parliament  remained silent during Bush’s last visit to Canada, and so far are remaining silent to Bush's and Cheney's upcoming visits.

Canada itself has passed into law war crimes and crimes against humanity legislation, yet all of our elected leaders choose to ignore these laws at their peril in order to accommodate these war criminals.

Even our own RCMP, whose mandate is to protect Canada and Canadians against allowing these criminals into Canada, stood by silently and even offered security while these criminals flaunted themselves before business crowds.

It looks like we have another federal election coming up this fall. It is important to make this an election issue and find out where all the leaders stand on upholding Canada’s laws.

If they choose not to respect the laws they helped put in place, they have no right to be in Parliament.

After being a federal candidate in the last  six elections, I will seriously consider voting   “None of the Above” this time around.

Prince George resident Bev Collins was a candidate in 1993 for the National Party of Canada; she was a Canadian Action Party candidate in 1997, 2000, 2004, and 2006; in 2008, she ran for the federal New Democratic Party.  

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