companies and climate change greenwashing

They were doing so good... lowering their emissions until AI. Now they're up like mad.


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It's a lost cause.

Jul 4, 2024 at 7:20pm

The global climate situation is already too dire to realistically reverse. The biggest contributors being China and the USA. China has not shown that it will reliably comply to reduce its emissions, and it's clear that with such a large population, it would still contribute a large amount to the global carbon footprint regardless.

The USA is responsible for the largest global economy on the planet, and with that comes its industries. Regulation could definitely help reduce the country's emissions, however it seems that currently going full green would hurt a lot of large contributing industries. For example, Texas oil would essentially collapse, and that has been a huge contributor to that state's economy for decades. Texas transitioning to green technology would be the best solution, however, I doubt it would be as profitable for the Exxon Mobiles of the world. Companies like those have a financial incentive to continue to run as long as possible so they don't lose the infrastructure they have developed for years. The oil lobby in the USA is far too power for any tangible change to occur in that country.

Developing countries are also too poor to implement green technologies and will continue to burn fossil fuels and coal, as it would be economically unfeasible for them to go green. The western world has been in a bubble of ignorance of this fact, and it will take a long time for these countries to develop the infrastructure to do this, if ever.

The recent COP26 climate talks was probably the biggest circle jerk of false hopes I've seen in a while. They talk about ending deforestation and coal burning, like every country is legally obligated to follow such a demand. In my personal opinion, climate talks only exist to put on a good face, in reality these leaders don't actually believe in what they are saying. It's mainly for votes and reputation.

The reality is along as money is a factor, and the population on earth continues to increase, emissions will continue to rise. Many people fail to highlight the fact that over population will become a huge contributor to climate change in the coming decades, and regardless of the amount of green tech we implement, we will still face issues. Since 1900 our population has added approximately 5 billion more people. Can our planet reliably sustain 10 billion?

1 0Rating: +1


Jul 5, 2024 at 4:43am

Does this include the electric car evangelists?

0 0Rating: 0


Jul 5, 2024 at 11:51am

Blame the government, blame the big companies , now blame AI?
Sorry you and I are to blame .
So easy to point fingers are something else .
Maybe it's the consumer lifestyle that we all love and have no will to change .

0 1Rating: -1

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