B.C. Liberal MLA Marc Dalton says HST recall bid based on “political opportunism”

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      A Fraser Valley Liberal MLA says the impending recall campaign to unseat him over the harmonized sales tax is all about “political opportunism”.

      “I know as much as the recall people want to make it about the HST, it really isn’t,” Marc Dalton told the Straight by phone today (March 4).

      “I really think that it’s political opportunism and a desire to change the results of the last election.”

      The MLA for Maple Ridge-Mission noted he defeated his NDP rival in the May 2009 provincial election by only 68 votes.

      He said he’s not surprised he is among a group of Liberal MLAs targeted for recall.

      “A lot of it is driven by [what] I would call NDP, left-wing activist people.”

      The Maple Ridge-Mission recall organizers could not be reached for comment.

      An official statement from the recall proponent says Dalton should be unseated because he “supported the deceptive introduction of the harmonized sales tax”.

      The statement also says the first-term MLA “refuses to represent the clear wishes of his constituents” in Victoria.

      Former B.C. NDP leader Carole James has said the party will not be involved in the recall campaigns.

      Speaking to the Straight, Dalton acknowledged the widespread frustration over the 12-percent tax, which was highlighted by last year’s successful anti-HST petition.

      “I personally did vote for the HST based on its economic merits but I would be the first to agree that it really was very poorly brought forward and the public anger in response was really merited.”

      But Dalton said the HST blacklash has died down with a change in the Liberal party leadership and a provincewide referendum on the levy planned in September.

      “I’m committed to follow what the people decide in that referendum,” said the former elementary and highschool teacher.

      Dalton said it’s unlikely he’ll respond to the recall campaign as aggressively as Liberal cabinet minister Ida Chong did to an unsuccessful recall bid in her Vancouver Island riding.

      “I want to expend the least amount of energy as possible on this,” Dalton said. “We’ll just kind of watch and see what’s happening and respond to that.”

      Elections B.C. says the recall petition will be issued March 10.

      Under provincial legislation, organizers will have to collect signatures from more than 14,000 voters in the Maple Ridge-Mission riding by May 9 to unseat Dalton and trigger a byelection.

      While the attempt to recall Chong failed and another bid planned in the Interior was abandoned, efforts are underway against Liberal MLAs in Kamloops and Comox Valley electoral districts.

      You can follow Stephen Thomson on Twitter at twitter.com/thomsonstraight.



      glen p robbins

      Mar 4, 2011 at 4:19pm

      All politics in one way or another is about opportunism. Imo-the media shouldn't report on the Recalls - they should be announced as approved and then left alone.

      The Premier or whoever is in charge should announce money for HST fight and Referendum date asap - 50% for both sides. FIGHT HST vs BC Liberal government and BIG Business lobby - let all the chips fall where they may.

      From what I understand this new premier has always been a big fan of lobbyists ---------------------- going way back, (isn't her brother Bruce - a lobbyist).

      Plot thickens.


      Mar 4, 2011 at 4:30pm

      No, it was based on being lied to for too many years.
      I hope when you are out of a job that you remember that Mr. Dalton


      Mar 4, 2011 at 6:02pm

      No..its based on the fact you did not represent your constituents, and belong to a party which has pile don lie after lie. The mere fact there is a recall whether its successful or not tells us that.

      Just Wondering

      Mar 4, 2011 at 8:03pm

      It sure is a desire to change the results of the last election. We needed to make that change before Clark got in. Good luck all I'm wishing you success with this latest recall. The departure of Campbell is not good enough as far as I’m concerned. The Liberal party should not be allowed to get away with what they have done to the province. Despicable bunch.

      Dan Clay

      Mar 4, 2011 at 9:44pm

      left wing activist people?
      as opposed to what-.... right wing full and undivided support for their corporate backers, at the cost of our future, our environment, our planet,? talk about opportunists...


      Mar 5, 2011 at 12:51am

      If you remember only one thing, remember that the BC Liberals lied to us during the 2009 election about not bringing in the HST.

      Dave Christopherson

      Mar 5, 2011 at 1:06am

      Recall of Marc Dalton is based on his absolute lack of performance for the people of his constituency, not political opportunism.

      He, like every other BC Liberal save Blair Leckstrom, failed to represent his constituents with regard to the introduction of the HST.

      He, like his crony Randy Hawes, failed to do anything significant for his constituents when Mission Memorial Hospital was being gutted.

      He, like every BC Liberal MLA, failed to tell the truth about the impending introduction of the HST. That means he LIED to his constituents.

      That last action, Mr. Hawes, is malfeasance.


      Mar 5, 2011 at 8:59am

      uhm....seems not one person agrees with Marc...wonder why? Does only the opposition post on forums, or is it possible he is wrong?! :)

      In the end losers will always lose.

      BTW the NDP sucks...


      Mar 5, 2011 at 9:05am

      Of course it's about political opportunism. Isn't it political opportunism why the Liberals did not announce it during the campaign? I'm fine with the HST, just less eating out for me, but annoyed the way it was brought forward.


      Mar 5, 2011 at 10:17am

      No Marc, it's based on you Liberals LYING to the people of BC...Not on your radar, MY ASS!

      The entire Liberal caucus should be made to walk the plank for that...