Are you Georgia Straight's cover star?

The Georgia Straight is looking for illustrators to design a cover

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      Attention, illustrators! Have you ever wanted to design a Georgia Straight cover? Now’s your chance: for the first time in our 52 years we’re opening up submissions to local illustrators and designers. The winner will see their cover in Georgia Straight boxes across Vancouver plus a $500 prize pack with cash and local gift certificates. The theme is open-ended, but if you need some direction, think Summer and Vancouver.

      Some of the runners-up will be featured in an online gallery on our website. This contest is for those looking to break into illustration, students, and anyone that wants to use their skills to take a shot at designing a cover.

      In the past five decades we’ve had many amazing covers from many talented illustrators and photographers—now you can be a part of history.

      Submit your design here by June 14!

      For inspiration, check out a few examples from past years:

      David Ko

