Burnaby tenants ordered to hand over dog poop or face eviction

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      A Lower Mainland landlord is on the hunt for a canine that's been crapping in the building's stairwell.

      CBC News has reported that Waldorf Management has sent a letter and a Ziploc bag to tenants demanding stool samples from their dogs or face eviction.

      "We have to collect a sample from your dog feces and give it to the lab for analysis and compare it with the feces on the steps," the letter states.

      Meanwhile, the Tenant Resource and Advisory Centre's Russ Godfrey has told CBC Radio that the landlord's action is akin to a teacher who's penalizing the entire class for the actions of one students. Godfrey also accused Waldorf Management of threatening the security of tenants' tenure in its building in the 7400 block of 14th Avenue.

      "If he gives these tenants blanket evictions, they should oppose them," Godfrey told Early Edition host Rick Cluff.

      That's because the landlord must prove grounds for evicting someone. And failing to provide a dog's stool sample might not meet the legal test.

      "When he says the law is on his side, that's a typical landlord statement," Godfrey noted.




      May 5, 2015 at 8:48am

      install a camera?

      0 0Rating: 0


      May 5, 2015 at 9:01am

      i hate dog owners. pick up the poop

      0 0Rating: 0


      May 5, 2015 at 11:04am

      That's a pretty crappy decision by the landlord.

      0 0Rating: 0

      Own up

      May 5, 2015 at 11:44am

      I'm a dog owner, I pick up my dogs poop. It posses me off that other dog owners think they don't have to. I support this landlords actions and I think any responsible pet owners would as well. The only reason to not go along with something like this is if you are one of the guilty parties not cleaning up after your pets and making things harder for us pet owners who are responsible.

      0 0Rating: 0