The BC Conservative party

I have a feeling that John Rustad has goals to be PM of Canada & wants to enforce federal laws that are based on the bible, he wants to wipe out queer people, wants to erase Indigenous culture & language & merge them with Canadian English/French culture & languages, he probably wants closer ties with Trump & Putin & former Brazil President Bolsonaro & Argentina President Milei & Italy PM Meloni to fight "wokeness" & of course his stepping stone is BC provincial politics & if you think he'll stop when he's done with queers & indigenous peoples then I would suggest people be on their guard.... because we could be next.


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Jul 4, 2024 at 6:38pm

People will make a huge terrible mistake if they vote for John Rustad and his ilk. The Conservatives oppress people that don't share their views and are extremely dangerous.

4 2Rating: +2


Jul 4, 2024 at 7:24pm

I suggest you get some sleep, and not drink while posting

4 1Rating: +3

Thanks for sharing.

Jul 4, 2024 at 9:56pm

"I have a feeling"... followed by paranoid fear. Stop making yourself miserable. Nobody cares who you have sex with. Probably not even the person you're having sex with.

3 2Rating: +1

Funny Thing

Jul 5, 2024 at 11:11am

Is he used to big in the Liberal party. I assume you had no problem with him then, but now the C word is used it's now a bad thing.

1 1Rating: 0

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