Is it worth it?

I desperately want to quit my job and just be retired, but I’m afraid. I’m a single senior and although my job doesn’t pay much, it more than what I’d get from my measly pension and oas. But I feel like the stress of my job is making me really sick, so the life that I’m living is awful. I can’t decide if I’d be better off being a lot poorer but in better health, or if I should stick it out as long as I can. Is it worth ruining my health over a job just because I need the money long term? Or would it be better to at least have a few decent years of living before I die instead of just surviving each day at a job that makes me miserable? I have no energy left at the end of the day to do anything else. Take it from me: save for your retirement! Resist the urge to spend it when you’re young, because being forced to keep working when you’re old just to survive, is no way to live. If you can, SAVE.


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Jul 4, 2024 at 6:24pm

Is leaving the country an option. Malaysia and Thailand have excellent medical facilities for senior citizens, and you can live in $2200.00 CAD a month.

3 0Rating: +3

Wise words OP

Jul 4, 2024 at 10:22pm

I'm in the same boat as you and wish I would have prepared better for the 'Golden year's' that now aren't so Golden because the cost of living is so inflationary high.

3 0Rating: +3

Not just Save

Jul 5, 2024 at 1:17am

Your money can work for you and grow and you can receive dividends each month.

1 0Rating: +1

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