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Please remember

I felt deeply hurt by your actions. You put me in a tough position by making me feel incredibly awkward and uncomfortable. You upset me so much. I felt very despondent. But when you reached out to me to apologize for everything that happened, it actually gave me solace. It took you a while but it’s better than never. I’m glad that you fully recognize the error of your ways. I accept your apology and forgive you. Even though some situations are completely unforgivable, I’m more than willing to let you off the hook. You had said it’s best we both part ways. I’m glad you fully recognize that. So I’m going to move on with my life and I will allow you to move on as well. I hope you find peace. I wish you well. I wish you only the best. Take care. Thank you. And goodbye.

At a lost

Yesterday I heard an old friend of mine son had died and I’m truly at a lost on what to do. We haven’t talked in over a year. It wasn’t because of anything really just time and distance so now do I reconnect and tell her how sorry I am of the terrible news or leave the past in the past? Death is so hard.

RIP Cheeseburger

I thought about a classmate of mine from elementary school. They called him “Cheeseburger” because he loved McDonalds. As did I. We ate lunch together and went on a winter camp ski trip with our grade two class. We both had the hots for our teacher and thought “My god she’s sexy!” Unfortunately, this kid had a chip on his shoulder at times as a result of being brought up in a broken home. Anyhow, I searched all over social media for him given that I’d hoped to get in touch and communicate. But then I found out some devastating news…From what I had heard, he became a homeless drug addict in the downtown Eastside, spent his days living in and out of tents selling fentanyl. He put on a concerning amount of weight and then went into cardiac arrest. He passed away over a year ago. I felt bleak when I found out this awful news. Of course he had a chip on his shoulder, but all he needed was unconditional love and compassion. It’s important that parents love their children unconditionally and steer them in the right direction so that they don’t end up the same fate as my classmate. Rest in peace cheeseburger. Amen.

I need help. Or to be stopped.

You all might remember me from yacht employee with dirty secret. It's been a while since I posted but I am struggling with myself to believe im the only POS, or the worst of them. So, I have been doing this for a long time, I dont know why I do it or even how I do this to the people I love. Youre gonna want to smash every tooth in my head after you read this. I do this to all my friends whenever im at their house. It's so heinous I am at awe with myself for even coming forward. So whenever I'm at my friends, and I have to use the bathroom. I will take their toothbrush and rub it all over the toilet. I have done this for years, to everyone. Once I even did it to my math tutors kid who had braces. Please tell me im not the only one that does this.

I confess

I’m beginning to think my ex-girlfriend is a closet lesbian. She told me so many stories of how she and her girlfriends would have far too many drinks, make out and play tonsil hockey, get undressed and then one thing led to another. I’m not homophobic in anyway. But if she is a closet lesbian, what business did she have with me? I only wish that perhaps she could’ve been more honest with me about her feelings right from the start. I wish her well.

Life remains

It would be nice if all families were able to get together and talk things out in a civil manner so that they can come to good terms with each other rather than raise old issues. Many moons ago there were some controversies and divisions between some members of my extended family back in the day. A lot of water has gone under the bridge now, but mentioning the past can potentially inflame things. I was around for some of the controversies but even I don’t know all the ins and outs. To be fair, the people that were involved don’t want to talk about it anymore, which is probably for the best. Peace. Life just keeps.

See ya real soon

I recently got back into watching classic Disney cartoons of Mickey, Donald, Goofy and Pluto from the 30s to the 40s to the 50s. Those cartoons were a huge part of my childhood and in some respects I’m still a kid at heart. My older sis finds it strange that I still watch cartoons at my age, but I just tell her it’s a lot better than all the negative energy that goes on in this world. Give me classic Disney and Looney Tunes any day over trash reality TV and American politics. Small wonder cartoons are the safest thing to watch these days.

Who am I?

I don't know who I am anymore. I've changed my appearance, my interests, my ways of thinking, and even my way of speech to fit societal and social standards. Some things I've even changed about myself just to be different. And the worst part is I know I'm not who I should be, but I can no longer remember who that is.

Short haired man here

I am considering growing my hair out, was thinking to let it grow to shoulder length. Short hair is obviously easier for maintenance, but I really like the look of long hairstyles. I have already tried to let it grow, but didn’t have the patience. This time I’d like to commit. My hair type is pretty thick, and dry. So what has been your experience, is it worth it? What are some pros and cons for growing long hair? Somewhere along the way someone’s going to tell me that I look like a cross between a metal head and a penniless hippie.

Who cares about TS

I wonder if I’m the only one that’s tired of hearing about Taylor Swift 24 seven? What makes her so special? I’m beginning to think there’s some kind of conspiracy theory to put her on the map so that she can influence political votes. I guess if we both crossed paths and had, she’d probably write a song about me. She always writes songs about every guy she’s ever slept with. Good luck to Travis Kelce, he’s even more famous now because of her.


Popping a wheely on King Ed

We were riding in opposite directions slightly east of cambie on king Ed today. You were living...

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