You Nearly Missed: To My Exes Wine + Cheese Pop Up

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      It’s no secret that hospitality employees are some of the hardest workers in the city—running themselves off their feet so Vancouver diners can get elevated eats, fine wines, and even the occasional no-alcohol drink.

      Tonight (January 29), the industry raises a glass to its tight-knit community with the second-ever To My Exes Wine + Cheese Pop Up, reimagining the Foglifter Coffee space on Main Street as a wine bar for the evening.

      The brainchild of ex-coworkers Sophie Salmon and Annalisa Caparas, To My Exes is a once-a-month pop up celebration of hospitality industry folks who want to gather together and commune. It’s also, they write to us in an email, “a celebration for any of your exes, too—lovers, old friends, coworkers, or any other person that had an impact in your life.” Which really means all are welcome. (How did we find out about this little shinding, you ask? Our editor found a print-out flyer in an Evo. Talk about indie marketing.)

      Salmon and Caparas pride themselves on providing unique apéro experiences in coffee shops and other fun locations that will make you feel like you’re in a French bistro run by your friends.

      On tonight’s menu is a selection of global biodynamic wines, beer from Brassneck, and non-alcoholic soda. A cheese bar is being provided from Les Amis du Fromage, along with fresh baguettes by L’Atelier Pâtisserie, French pâté, and housemade snacks and desserts.

      To My Exes Wine + Cheese Pop Up 

      Tonight (January 29) at 6pm to 11pm

      Where: Foglifter Coffee (3590 Main Street)

      Admission: Free (food and wine for purchase)
