Save the Rio Week: Ryan Reynolds and Seth Rogen send supportive messages as deadline extended

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      Not only have some homegrown Hollywood stars lent some helping hands but East Vancouver's Rio Theatre has also received an extension in its quest to purchase the premises.

      At a special Deadpool double-bill on June 25, presented in association with B.C. film and TV industry organizations and the City of Vancouver, Mayor Gregor Robertson officially declared June 25 to July 2 as Save the Rio Week, citing the Rio as a "critical venue for the city of Vancouver".

      Motion Picture Production Industry Association of BC chair Peter Leitch presented Rio Theatre operator Corinne Lea with a $10,000 donation to the campaign.

      Although Vancouver-born Deadpool star Ryan Reynolds was unable to attend as he is currently working in New York City, he provided an expletive-laden, comedic video message to express his support. He had previously donated and raised awareness about the campaign on social media.

      Meanwhile, another Vancouver-raised star also provided a video message at the Rio's screening of Freaks and Geeks: the Documentary by local filmmaker Brent Hodge on June 26.

      As the documentary detailed the '90s high-school dramedy TV series that Seth Rogen rose to fame on, Rogen, who grew up in East Vancouver, encouraged support in a rather hair-raising message. He noted that they still need to raise $800,000 for the $3.9-million require for the deposit to purchase the venue.

      Although the final deadline had been set for July 7, an extension has been granted and the deadline has been rescheduled to July 31.

      Investors can become involved in their equity crowdfunding campaign on FrontFundr until July 17 while donations can be made at their Indiegogo webpage.

      You can follow Craig Takeuchi on Twitter at @cinecraig or on Facebook.
