Dumb and Dumber? Fur flies on Twitter after Boris Johnson becomes British Conservative leader

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      It's official. Donald Trump thinks that Boris Johnson will be a great prime minister of the United Kingdom.

      For his part, Johnson is promising to repay the confidence of Conservatives for electing him as their new party leader.

      Even the vanquished Theresa May is putting a positive spin on things, pledging that the hardline Brexiteer will have "my full support from the back benches".

      Trump and Johnson have many things in common, not the least of which is their unruly mops of hair.

      Both politicians, for instance, have been lavishly praised by disgraced Canadian publishing tycoon Conrad Black.

      Both have been accused of being bombastic and narcissistic.

      And both staged populist revolutions to seize control of their parties.

      However, tomorrow's elevation of Johnson to 10 Downing Street isn't going over so well on Twitter.

      Some, including comedian Trevor Noah, are suggesting that the English-speaking world's two most prominent politicians are giving new meaning to the term Dumb and Dumber. 
