To the person

That passed judgement someone with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder by saying they didn’t own up to their actions and behaviour. Do your research on bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. Most people with these conditions can’t help it so how can they “own up” to it?


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Yes and No

Jul 2, 2024 at 9:52am

People with mental illness certainly do have to recognize they are sick and take responsibility and treatment. Their behaviour can drive away friends, family and be a real problem on the job. I think it is widely recognized that when they are in the midst of their delusion or whatever form it takes that they are certainly not themselves but this shouldn't stop them from treatment which also entails acknowledging they are sick and taking ownership. It is a very difficult path these people are on and taking control of their behaviour is a big step but can be really hard to get to. It is also very, very hard for friends and family to continue to support these individuals so shouldn't be blamed for stopping what can be lifelong support to protect themselves.

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Thank u

Jul 3, 2024 at 7:41am

It’s hard to explain, bipolar, schizophrenia, or PTSD or even Autism to someone that has no clue. Thank you for pointing this out OP. As someone who has gone through the psych ward, reading your post made me feel better, it has given me some solace. Let that be a lesson to ignorant people out there…never ever judge what you don’t understand.

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Not exactly

Jul 3, 2024 at 8:48pm

A person with bipolar disorder isn’t on the same level as someone with schizophrenia. They’re not one and the same. Unless a person has been properly diagnosed and is experiencing a psychotic episode, they are able to differentiate between right and wrong. Someone with schizophrenia may not have that ability in certain circumstances, but assuming that anyone with these conditions can never be held accountable for their actions is wrong. If someone has been diagnosed and they’re aware of what that means, they need to take the medication that helps them control their symptoms. That’s part of being accountable. Just like everything else, there are levels of severity of these conditions as well, so you can’t assume that everyone who’s bipolar or schizophrenic is exactly the same.

1 0Rating: +1


Jul 4, 2024 at 8:09am

Sure I agree, however not all circumstances are the same, just like not all bipolar & schizophrenia diagnosis are the same. Maybe this person knows this individual well enough to know the person has the ability to own up to something.
They just need some skills to learn how to own something.

2 0Rating: +2

@Not Exactly & NEMIITS

Jul 5, 2024 at 12:00pm

Both severe schizophrenia and severe bipolar have similar behaviours and no, although they are not the same it has been my experience with both that the individual suffering from these illnesses may not recognize their behaviour. Bipolar people can also be severely delusional and just like schizophrenics, completely misinterpret what people are saying to them. I will cap this off by saying although both are supposedly different, sometimes it is difficult to see those differences while that person is in the throes of their illness. I have personal experience with direct family members, one of each who suffers from either illness. Although every person with mental illness is distinctly different from the other the symptoms and behaviour can be the same. And I still maintain they MUST take responsibility for their treatment, recognize that and check themselves in for treatment when they feel themselves falling into another episode. It's a very long and hard road to travel for everyone involved there is no doubt about that!

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