I hate my cheating mother (63)

My mother likes to display this "wholesome and pur image" but in reality she cheats with my dad who work as a overseas worker. My mom likes to frequent a neighbors house that offer "personal in house nail salon" but at a young again I always wonder why there are more men in the room than women. During that time I was six years old, she hated if I followed her to that particular house. When ask about what she's doing she is always angry and avoid any discussions. Back to when I was in six grade, one schoolmate came rushing to my classroom and called me. I came out and was informed that a woman came to mom's classroom and made a scandalous claim that she is the wife of the man my mom is cheating with. Imagine the horror and humiliation I felt during that time. The story didn't end there, now some neighbors wives also confronted my mother. It was so awkward because I know and friends with their kids. Three years after the most awkward, neighborhood cheating confrotation my mother applied to Canada to escape the embarrassment. After three years in Canada she sponsored us her family of five. The first day I saw her I just felt disgusted cause I can tell she is still the same or worst. Fast forward to present day she is now 63 and she still cheats on my dad. Before she would ask the guys to drop her off in front of the house while my dad was away for work. Now she travels with them in a pretense BUT so obvious that is not part of her parttime hourly care giving job. Most of the times, I really want to kick her out of my house. But I just leave all to God or karma to punish her sins. Mind you she is active church goer which sometimes the place to meet her men. The whole family knows and gave up on her. I feel so bad for my dad seeing my mother openly lying and cheating on him. Next week she will have her on-the-job travel, this time to Winnipeg. I want to sell my place and move somewhere else but I can't abandon my poor dad. God bless us all. I hope divine intervention comes soon.

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