Sacha Baron Cohen's Dictator threatens Academy Awards with "unimaginable consequences"

The humourless Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences has told Sacha Baron Cohen he cannot walk the red carpet in character as Admiral General Aladeen, the hero of his upcoming film The Dictator. So the Dictator is fighting back, raining fear upon the "Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Zionists".



14:59 and counting

Feb 24, 2012 at 12:29pm

SO over SB Cohen. He's squeezing more free press out of this than he would if we were at the Oscars.

A. MacInnis

Feb 24, 2012 at 2:48pm

At least the political aspect of his caricatures - his assault on middle eastern "backwardness," present also in Borat - whom Cohen apparently made a member of a secular state to dodge any accusations of being anti-Muslim - can't be mistaken for anything else now.

R U Kiddingme

Feb 24, 2012 at 2:53pm

He is a one-joke provocateur, at least in his own self-generated products -- he was just fine as an actor for hire in Hugo -- but it is an interesting joke. There is a real sense that his comedy could get him killed by the subject of his parodies, which I find both foolhardy and socially useful.

A Warner Brother

Feb 24, 2012 at 6:23pm

At least he is right when he says it's the


It's a great joke from a Jewish Guy, so get over it.


Feb 25, 2012 at 6:13pm

I'm glad he's not Canadian so we can enjoy his jokes.

If he was Canadian, the human rights tribunal would attack him endlessly, steal as much cash from him as possible, then ban him from performing comedy, like they did to Guy Earle.