Your horoscope for March 19 to 25, 2020

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      What do the stars say about the pandemic and when it will be over?

      Dear friends, in one form or another, COVID-19 will continue for some time to come. This is especially so while planetary transits move through Pisces, the sign that rules the immune system, the masses, and global exposure. Mercury, a transmitter influence, continues its tour of Pisces to April 10. Mercury is also the ruler of Gemini, the sign that rules the lungs and respiratory system.

      The peak is happening right now. I consider the recent super full moon in Virgo (March 9) as the launch of the full-scale outbreak. We’ll be in the thick of it until the next super full moon, which arrives on April 10 (in Libra). Having said that, can we flatten the curve? Yes, we can.

      Border closures, government measures, and businesses shutting down all fall under the rulership of Capricorn. Self-isolation, a measure that came into wider adoption while Mercury toured Aquarius earlier in the month, will begin to show its benefit soon enough.

      The spring equinox happens on Thursday (8:50 p.m. PDT). The sun’s entrance into Aries is immediately followed by a domino of action transits: Mars in Capricorn conjunct Jupiter on Friday; Saturn into Aquarius on Saturday; Mars conjunct Pluto in Capricorn on Sunday; and a new moon in (Mars-ruled) Aries on Tuesday. In combination, these transits can prove to be chain-breaker influences. (Either that or they’ll produce a next hard hit!)

      While the prospects are good for an upswing of progress, know that Saturn in Aquarius, a cementing influence, now provides an introduction to the shape of things to come—that of a radically altered world reality. This is a test run. COVID-19 is but one threat to our existence. Stringent climate-change action is absolutely essential.

      March 20 - April 20

      You’ll gain an energy boost from Mars in action with Jupiter on Friday and Pluto on Sunday. Mars is also on a two-year wrap-up and starting the next two-year build-it-better agenda. The equinox (Thursday), the new moon in Aries (next Tuesday), and Saturn in Aquarius (starting Saturday) put better timing on your side for reconnecting and seeing or making improvement.

      April 20 - May 21

      Finishing off something official or long in the works? Whether you have something actual to pin it on or it is an evolving consciousness, Mars/Jupiter and Mars/Pluto place you at the end of a two-year growth cycle and at the start of a new reality base line. Giving you a jump-start or preview, Saturn in Aquarius supports a significant lifestyle change or new career trajectory.

      May 21 - June 21

      A big decision or plan weighing on you? Now through new-moon Tuesday could bring matters into sharper view and/or settle it for you. To Sunday, Mars is on a big push. Take advantage of time and opportunity. Tackle it head-on; stay practical on the important stuff. Through mid–next week, you can get the job done and move on in short order.

      June 21 - July 22

      You have no choice but to stay ambitious and to go at it harder. Mars is on a major push through for the weekend. Sunday/Monday, the going is good. Tuesday’s new moon in Aries can light a fresh fuse or kick it up a notch. While added strain or challenge is in the mix, know you stand poised on the brink of a major breakthrough.

      July 22 - August 23

      Work, school, or COVID-19 may have scheduled you for time off, but Mars in Capricorn wants you/pushes you to keep going strong. Stay ambitious. Don’t waste your time; use it, instead. Finish off what you can. Starting Saturday, Saturn enters Aquarius. Through July, Saturn will introduce the lifestyle changes and social norms that will progressively overtake your/our everyday reality.

      August 23 - September 23

      As of Thursday/Friday, Mars/Jupiter gets you/it moving in the right direction. Through Sunday/Monday, Mars/Pluto keeps you resourceful. Mars will continue to provide good traction through to the end of the month. Through the start of July, Saturn in Aquarius prompts out-of-the-box thinking. Regarding work, health, and working it out, the transit can help you to discover better solutions and avenues.

      September 23 - October 23

      Through next Tuesday keeps it/you in full swing. On lockdown or simply carrying on, you’ll have no trouble putting your extra time to good use this weekend. Saturday/Sunday, there’s no better place to be than right where you are. Monday to Wednesday, tackle it fresh. Over the next couple of months, Saturn in Aquarius will assist you to break important new ground.

      October 23 - November 22

      Friday, do the extra to keep yourself well-protected, on track, and/or up to speed. The weekend is well spent on rest and catch-up, to finish off or to get better organized. Sunday/Monday, the flow is good. Freshly into Aquarius, Saturn will spend the next couple of months helping you to break through whatever is standing in the way of personal progress and/or necessary reinvention.

      November 22 - December 21

      Go the extra mile and give it the time it needs. The job will get done right and you’ll also set yourself up for greater reward and personal benefit. Sunday, you can get lost in it. Time evaporates. Monday continues the good flow. Now and in coming months, Saturn in Aquarius will stimulate fresh insights, ideas, avenues, and conversations. Tuesday/Wednesday, dive into something fresh.

      December 21 - January 20

      Despite the limitations you may face, Thursday/Friday’s Mars/Jupiter sets you/it on go. Will into action; you are a powerhouse when you want to be. Mars/Pluto keeps motivation going strong through the start of next week. Saturn in Aquarius is good for a personal breakthrough, creative solution, and outside-of-the-box thinking. Sunday/Monday, go with the flow.

      January 20 - February 18

      Whether you need to self-isolate or not, Mars/Jupiter and Mars/Pluto will keep you going strong this weekend. Take it one step at a time and watch for potentials to prove themselves. Giving you a heads up through July 1, Saturn in Aquarius will introduce you to a timely change or necessitate the undertaking.

      February 18 - March 20

      Stay goal-oriented. Friday through the weekend, Mars/Jupiter and Mars/Pluto help you make a good turnaround and/or get more than the usual sorted out and accomplished. Sunday is easygoing. Soak up on the good stuff. Your creativity is at peak. Saturn in Aquarius stirs up fresh incentive. Tuesday/Wednesday, take on something fresh.
