Rush fan sues Canuck prog-rock legends over cancelled show

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      There's been a lot of legal fisticuffs taking place in the classic-rock world of late. First off Aerosmith was taken to court by a Calgary-based promoter over several cancelled shows, then Led Zeppelin guitarist Jimmy Page was sued for plagiarism of "Dazed and Confused", and to top things off the Zeppelinesque Whitesnake was ordered to pay up after a fan suffered hearing loss from a show in Boston.

      Now Canadian rock legends Rush have been hit by an American class-action lawsuit after cancelling a concert in Chicago on Wednesday (July 7).

      Christopher Langone, a 42-year-old Ph.D student at Cornell University, filed a breach of contract lawsuit yesterday, seeking reimbursement after he flew in from Upstate New York to see the band. He is arguing that the show was shut down because of rain even though it was billed as a "rain or shine" event.

      Langone posted his reasons for the lawsuit on a Rush fansite where--not surprisingly, since Rush fans are a devoted bunch--he's been called everything from a prick to a moron to a douchebag.

      In other Rush news, a recently released documentary on the band, Rush: Beyond the Lighted Stage, has been garnering rave reviews from critics and fans alike--Langone might even like it, for all we know. And Vancouver fans should note that the power trio plays just a little south of Seattle--at the White River Amphitheatre in Auburn, Washington--on Saturday, August 7. That is also a "rain or shine" venue, but we're not promising anything. You can find tickets here.
