Madonna in Vancouver: fans await their icon and her bullet bra

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      Quite a few ladies in the building are sporting mid-80s Madonna costumes. Seems fitting as this is not a young crowd.

      I haven't spotted anyone south of 20 yet except for a baby in a stroller. (Great parenting there, guys!) Haven't seen anyone in a bullet bra yet, unfortunately. However, apparently Madonna will be wearing one that's designed by Jean Paul Gaultier later in the evening.

      Michael Mann is filing items of interest from the Madonna show at Rogers Arena. See his full review on Sunday (September 30).




      Sep 29, 2012 at 9:55pm

      Get ready for some great taped music and lip synching!

      Brit Spears

      Sep 30, 2012 at 6:08am

      get ready for phil (look up) to get sassy with his comments about things he doesnt like! lol get a life phil....really get a life.


      Sep 30, 2012 at 9:19am

      When I saw her Like A Virgin for the first time on MuchMusic before it was a reality TV channel I thought to myself "She looks damn hot & dress's pretty cool (kinda alternative too)". Well when I heard her music then at that lame,just another safe sounding hit maker.Her music is like fast food, it's easy to make, it.s easy to put together & it's gross.


      Sep 30, 2012 at 4:07pm

      touch a nerve there britney? sounds like you're the one needing a life...
      spot on legs