Down to the nitty gritty

Sometimes more often than not, we tend to get upset with people that confront us with hard pressed facts. And I think I have the perfect example. I was in bad frame of mind as a result of poor choices and questionable decisions. It got to a point where I had given up on life. My friend looked me in the eye and bluntly told me right to my face, "Wake up. You're going down the toilet. Get your head straight and don't be a fucking idiot." At first I was rocked to hear his words, yet the more I processed it, the more I begun to understand that he was right all along. I realized later on that had my close friend not been brutally honest with me, who knows if I'd be here now typing out this confession. It's safe to say that a lot of water has gone under the bridge and I'm finally in one piece. Taking control over your own life is empowering, so don't give that up. If you have a close friend that's heading in a downward spiral, just tell it like it is. Be supportive and honest with them. As much as being brutally honest can come off as off-putting, it can definitely help save someone's life. It certainly saved me from taking the gentleman's way out. To my friend, thank you so much for making me think twice before attempting more bad decisions. I now know what having a best friend means. Keep on telling it like is.

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