Porn star and author Stormy Daniels to make Vancouver appearance

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      Stormy Daniels, the porn star and U.S. president's nightmare, is making a Vancouver appearance.

      The stripper, adult-film actor, and author—whose real name is Stephanie Clifford—is booked into the Rio Theatre on June 10 for what is billed as "an up-close and personal evening of conversation and audience Q&A".

      Following the show, Daniels will participate in a book signing and a "meet and greet". Her memoir, Full Disclosure, came out in October 2018.

      Daniels—who has alleged she had an affair with President Donald Trump in 2006, a decade before his history-making U.S. election victory—has been at the centre of a political scandal since January 2018, when the Wall Street Journal published claims that she received a hush payment of $130,000 from Trump lawyer Michael Cohen just before the 2016 election.

      Allegations, denials, and conflicting stories have dogged the scandal for 15 months, with Cohen finally pleading guilty in December 2018 to charges of fraud and campaign-finance violations; he received a sentence of three years in prison.

      In a March 2018 segment of the U.S. TV show 60 Minutes, Daniels claimed she spanked Trump with a copy of Forbes magazine prior to having sex with him.

      Daniels had a defamation suit against Trump dismissed in October 2018 (and she was later ordered to pay almost $300,000 in attorney's fees, sanctions, and costs). Another legal action to declare invalid her original nondisclosure agreement with Trump is ongoing.

      For ticket and show information (limited copies of Daniels's book will be available at the theatre; the event is closed to minors), go here.

