Jagrup Brar eyes B.C. NDP presidency

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      Former Surrey-Fleetwood MLA  Jagrup Brar has told the Straight that he’s “very seriously considering” a run for president of the B.C. NDP.

      According to Brar, he’s been getting calls and emails from across the province encouraging him. Current president Moe Sihota is stepping down next month.

      Brar said his supporters include members of the NDP’s legislative caucus. When asked by phone how many MLAs are backing him, he would only say: “It will be a very good beginning.”

      New Democrats will choose a new president at the party’s next convention, which runs November 15 to 17. Pressed on when he’ll make an announcement on whether or not he will run, Brar said: “It will be soon.”

      City of North Vancouver councillor Craig Keating previously announced that he wants to be the next B.C. NDP president.

      Brar has impressed even nonparty members like Bill Hopwood of the Raise the Rates coalition. Last year, the then Surrey-Fleetwood representative was the only MLA who took up the group’s challenge to live on the $610 monthly allowance for people on welfare.

      According to the antipoverty activist, there is a lot of cynicism about politicians but Brar has proven to be different. “He’s prepared to walk the walk, and to me, that’s important,” Hopwood told the Straight by phone.

      In the last B.C. NDP leadership race, Brar supported Port Coquitlam MLA Mike Farnworth. Farnworth is seen as a serious contender to replace current leader Adrian Dix, who announced last September that he is not staying at the helm following the party’s unexpected loss in this year’s May provincial election.



      Pete Damanche

      Oct 30, 2013 at 5:51pm

      Hi. I support anyone but Mr. Brar. We need new blood and get rid of old guard.


      Oct 30, 2013 at 9:40pm

      How is Jagrup Brar considered "Old Guard" when he was elected in a by-election in 2004? There is still rot from the 80s and 90s hanging around the party, and Jagrup isn't one of them.

      In fact, he was the first NDP MLA elected after the 2001 debacle.

      Check your facts Pete.


      Oct 31, 2013 at 9:57am

      If the NDP is not interested in cleaning up the ethnic-mass-signup debacle, I'm not interested in them. It starts from that. I can find plenty of other places to park my money.

      Bill Piket

      Nov 1, 2013 at 8:16pm

      I agree the NDP must restore its internal democracy by cleaning up the instant membership mess. The outgoing executive has shown a total lack of interest in doing something about that. I will support Jagrup Brar on the understanding that he means what he says when he talks about an honest leadership race. That's exactly what the party needs.