Busting out of the music wasteland: Guitaro

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      Mark Wiebe sings, plays guitar and keyboards, and handles sequencing for Guitaro. The trio, which also includes multi-instrumentalists Heather Warkentin and Jer Unrau, likes to take its time. Guitaro released its second album, JJ’s Crystal Palace, eight years after its debut, Futura Black. The record’s revelatory blend of hazy dream-pop atmospherics and electro-disco beats proved that some things are worth waiting for.

      Best local release other than yours:

      “I think I’m gonna go with Pete Samples. The album’s called Bekonscot. It’s a really cool album and really underground. He just did his own release with handmade CD covers and on CD-R. But the album’s really well done. Lots of layers. It’s almost like a mix between Arcade Fire and Manitoba, somewhere in that vibe. He was living here for most of the year, but he’s pretty transient. He’s lived in many cities.”

      The year’s best gig:

      “I’ll have to go with Blonde Redhead [at the Vogue Theatre on June 25], because I haven’t actually seen too many gigs this past year. This is the joy of having two young kids. Their new album is pretty chilled-out, but they did a good mix between that and their hits.”

      We’re road-tripping. Who’s on the stereo?

      …The Dandy Warhols Come Down. That seems like a good road-trip album. It’s just got a great hit-the-road-in-a-convertible kind of vibe to it. My friend has a T-shirt of theirs that says ‘You drive, I’ll do the drugs.’ That kind of sums up the road-trip vibe of that album.”

      The Straight’s paying, so where’s dinner?

      “I picked Vij’s [1480 West 11th Avenue] for that one. I’ve been there twice, but it’s on the pricey side, so it would be pretty awesome to just sample everything on the menu, because everything I’ve had is awesome.”

      Vancouver needs a sex-tape scandal. Who’s your co-star?

      “Nardwuar. It would make for the most ridiculous sex tape ever. Gotta go for ridiculous with this one.”

      Jimmy Pattison’s fronting the money. Where are we opening a venue?

      “The Bloedel Conservatory [in Queen Elizabeth Park]. Might have to tone down the garden a bit to make it into a venue, because it’s super hot and humid in there, so that wouldn’t really work. You’d have to get plants that can survive a cooler environment, I guess. And then you can do some pretty cool stuff with lighting and all the windows and stuff, for sure. It’d be cool for daytime gigs too, actually, with all the light in there. It’d be like a Plaza of Nations kind of thing.”
