Didn't get the chance to say goodbye

My favourite cherry tree has been chopped down. It's just gone. I used to see it every morning as I waited at the bus stop for my commute to work. I watched it change throughout the seasons. It's been seven years, so I even watched it grow. When I started working from home, I'd still take a morning walk to the bus stop, and visit my tree, and walk back home again. It was surrounded by that orange protective barrier, so I assumed it would be safe from the nearby construction. I didn't see the "notice of tree removal" posted until it was too late. So my confession is that on Monday as I sat on the bus bench and watched the construction guys dig up the remnants of my tree's roots, I cried. Luckily I've taken pictures over the years: fluffy pink blossoms, bright green leaves, rainy bare branches, snow and ice covered... But I wish I had had the chance to say a proper goodbye to that lovely tree.


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It's sad

Jun 24, 2024 at 10:18am

how easily some people will just abruptly cut down trees and destroy other kinds of plant life without a second thought - often for the most unnecessary reasons.

I love trees so much. I have no doubt that they're sentient, in their own kinds of ways. It saddens me whenever I see the stumps of butchered, once living trees - especially the older ones. I can relate to crying for them.

It doesn't seem common for people to have close relationships with them. They are mostly viewed as just variations of inanimate objects, as if they were ornaments or something.

There's never been a time in history where more ecocide has been happening than right now, apart from things like the aftermath of the Chicxulub meteor impact. I wish more people cared more about nonhuman life.

3 0Rating: +3

@My favourite cherry tree has been chopped down.

Jun 24, 2024 at 10:34am

I feel my favourite home-planet is being chopped down. We all need revisit the wisdom of David Suzuki and join our efforts accordingly.

5 0Rating: +5

Old Yale Road

Jun 25, 2024 at 7:24am

Take a look at Old Yale Road in Langley Township. So much development going on and a whole lot of mature trees chopped down and I mean a LOT. Seems everyone wants to move to the country but they cut down the trees. Makes my heart bleed.

6 0Rating: +6


Jun 25, 2024 at 11:02am

In the past few months, several trees on my street have been cut down and it broke my heart. I had to leave my apartment as I just couldn't stand to watch them being cut. I love trees so much and the sad reality is Vancouver is( and has) lost far too many trees. The loss of 160,000 trees from Stanley Park will be utterly devastating and the park will never be the same.

5 0Rating: +5

Unpopular opinion

Jun 25, 2024 at 6:03pm

First let me say that I’m an actual tree hugger. I love the forest and nature. However, realistically there are times when a tree must be cut down. Maybe it’s because of development (I hate it but it’s not going anywhere) and maybe it’s for some other reason like it’s diseased or is the wrong species planted in the wrong place. Permits are required in every municipality and city depending on the diameter of the trunk. If it’s relatively small, no permit is required, and I suspect that’s what happened in this case. While I’d love to see no more people moving here and many more trees and natural places, I know that thousands and thousands of new people are coming whether I like it or not. They have to live somewhere, and Vancouver is the most desirable city in Canada thanks to our climate. So I’m sorry that you’re sad, but until there’s a solution to this massive overpopulation I think you’re going to have to adapt and accept, or move away.

1 2Rating: -1


Jun 27, 2024 at 1:58am

I feel your pain! Too many trees at being cut. Sometimes they have to be, but they need to be replaced. Please go on the 311 app and request a new tree be planted in that location. It won't be your tree, but it will be a tree. I'm sorry for your loss!

I'm at the point where I wish I had the balls to put on a fake City vest and start planting them in the empty holes they leave.

2 0Rating: +2

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